Season 5- Chapter 15: Spill (Mikes POV

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Mike couldn't keep his secret bottled up any longer and he was a couple of seconds away from spilling everything to Will and possibly ruining their marriage.

He was spending a lot more time with Will considering they were now engaged, which made keeping that secret even worse. He could just apply to the college and get himself denied but then he'd still be lying to Will and the last thing he wanted to do was lie to Will. And so, he knew he'd have to tell Will at some point but he just couldn't find the right time and Will was so happy recently. He didn't want to just devastate him like that, he knew Will way too well. He knew what his exact reaction would be too, he'd be upset, and probably stop talking to Mike for a while because Will hated being lied to. The longer he'd wait, the worse it'd get.

"So, I think you're right, it's better if we plan the wedding earlier," Will said and Mike exhaled. It's been about a week since they got engaged and it was now or never. He needed to tell Will the truth, even if it ruined what was between them, this secret was eating him up inside. "Will we need to talk," he said and Will looked up. "What's up?" He asked and Mike exhaled. "You don't want to hear this, but you need to," he said and Will's face turned from happy to scared. "Mike you're scaring me," he said and Mike looked up and locked eyes with Will. "It's about college," he said and Will raised an eyebrow. "I'm not going to the same college you're going to," he said and Will was shocked. "Well, then where?" He asked, sounding passive-aggressive. "Hawaii, I'm going to Hawaii for college," he said and Will shook his head slightly. "What the hell, you know how far that is?" He asked and Mike nodded. "9 hours and some change," he said. "How long have you known?" He asked, and you could hear the hurt in his voice. "First week of school," he said, and Will turned to his right, avoiding eye contact with Mike. "It's been like 2 months since school started. I'm not even mad that you're going there, but why the hell would you propose to me and lie about that for 2 entire months Mike?!" He asked, not expecting an answer. "Can you just go," he said and Mike was about to put his hand on Will's shoulder. "Get the hell out, Mike!" He yelled, Mike nodded and
left the room, closing the door behind him.

He expected Will to be mad at this, but the hurt on his face, he didn't expect that. He knew that proposing to him wouldn't have been the best idea, for this reason specifically, and maybe if he'd had told Will before he proposed, the reaction would've been better. But he didn't, and he probably fucked everything up. There was no telling how long Will would be upset, considering he knew that Will was pretty good at holding grudges. And his biggest fear was turning out like his own parents. He didn't want Will and his relationship to be strained like his parents were or to become an asshole like them but he couldn't help the genes that were handed to him. All he had to do now was give Will some time.

He got home and sat on his bed. He took out his phone and looked at Will's contact. He wanted to text him, and say that he's sorry, but he wanted to give Will some time. He put his phone down and felt his eyes start to water, it wasn't like they broke up or anything, but he still hated the fact that Will was upset with him.

The next day at school was pretty awkward. Nobody else knew about what happened the night before aside from the both of them. Will was trying his hardest to avoid Mike the entire day. Which was expected, considering he was still mad. The rest of the group were confused, because they've been inseparable for the past week.

"Mike and Will, you're a group," the teacher said and the two looked at each other. "There isn't an issue right?" She asked and they nodded, "great," she said, handing them the materials. "Okay, I can do it, it'll be fine," Mike said and Will turned to look at Mike. "It's a group assignment and i need this grade, so let's do it together," Will said and Mike nodded. "If we don't finish here in class, we can do it at my house," Will said and Mike nodded. Mike was shocked by how bland Will was, like he was talking with a stranger. Mike felt hurt, but he did this to himself, and they started on the project, almsot completely silent.

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