Season 2-Chapter 4: Nothing Changes(Troys POV

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Troy has been given false promises his entire life. One of the biggest ones was the promise his dad made almost every month, that he would get better. Every single time he'd already be drinking up a storm in 2 to 3 days of that promise. And yep he made that same promise again but Troy wasn't falling for it this time. He knew who his father was and what he was capable of. His dad made him attempt to end his life 3 times but nobody cared, except for his littler group of friends. Mike, Max, Will, Dustin, Lucas, and El were there for him. And maybe that's why he's still living.

Him and Dustin would hang out often, both were single. And the rest tended to hang out with their own partners. So because of this him and Dustin hung out every single day. And he wondered how he could bully such an angel. Dustin was probably the nicest out of everyone at first, he welcomed Troy with open arms and immediately started talking to him. They clicked becoming the best of friends, and Troy wasn't used to someone being this nice to him. And he kinda liked Dustin, but he was straight and he couldn't date him. It sucked finding out the guy you like just to find out their straight. "So what you wanna do today?" Dustin asked him and he turned, "uhhh I don't know," he said and Dustin gave him a look. "So you texted me amd you don't know what to do?" Dustin said and Troy chuckled a little. "Welll we can just walk around and talk if you want," Troy said and Dustin shrugged. "Sure I'm down for it," Dustin said and so they went to walk. They talked about anything and everything, that's why they were bestfriends because both just connected. Troy knew he'd have to get over his feelings, and he'd have to fast.

When they were done hanging out Troy headed home expecting he'd have to clean up bear bottles. But there were none, today was day 2 of his dad's sobriety, but Troy knew he'd snap tomorrow. He felt it in his gut, truth be told Troy's dad was actually nice when he wasn't drinking but Troy knew not to get used to it. "Hey junior you had fun with your friend" Troy's dad asked and Troy turned scared that if he ignored him he'd get slapped. "Uh it was fine we didn't do much,"he said about to head up the stairs. "Okay uhm spaghetti's on the counter," he said while Troy headed up the stairs.

Troy needed therapy and he needed it bad, he couldn't be touched without flinching, he wanted to end his life every other day, he hated his entire family, and he also hated himself. His diaky routine would be hanging out with Dustin, taking a beating from his dad, and being forced to clean up his dad's messes. His dad would leave bruises and marks, and yes they hurt. And so he sat on his bed and just looked out the window wondering why his life was so horrible.

He went downstairs to make some food and then he saw his dad holding a beer but it wasn't open. He thought he should hurry before his dad would end up drinking a six pack. And so he rushed back into his room with his food and watched YouTube. The only thing he could watch since he couldn't buy a subscription for it and he already has bills he needs to pay because his dad never did. In general his life was hell, he had all the responsibilities of an adult and still he never met his dad's expectations. The littlest mistakes would make his dad hurt him. And what could he do he didn't want to be taken away and maybe it was his own fault. And so he blamed himself for why his dad hurt him, he was the one in the wrong right?

The next day he decided that he was going to leave early, before his dad woke up. He knew that when he did get home, it would be a death sentence but he left anyway. He was always going to be a disappointment no matter what he did. And so he left and walked away letting his legs take him wherever. He ended up at Starcourt Mall. And he had no money but why not check out the things he could get.

He was admiring this jacket that he thought looked amazing but what could he do, he had nothing. "Your just going to look at it?" A guy said to him and he turned to see a you looking guy, around his age. He had brown hair and blue eyes, and he was wearing a light purple sweater and black pants. "Well I can't really get it, I'm broke," Troy said. "So you came to a mall with no money?" The guy said looking at Troy confused. "Oh well I was just getting away from my parents for awhile and ended up here," Troy said and the other guy looked understanding. "I'll get it for you," he said and Troy turned. "I couldn't possibly accept that, I'll be fine looking at it" Troy said looking back at the jacket. "Stop trying to be so humble," the guy said grabbing the jacket, "here take this and go buy the jacket and maybe I'll catch you later," the guy said walking away. The dollar was folded so when he unfolded it a piece of paper fell out, it had a number Ron it and the words call me. He was happy and turned to try and look at the guy but he was gone.

And so he went over to Dustin's, "so I was at the mall and this guy bought me this jacket and gave me his number does that mean they wanna be friends or do they like me?" Troy asked and Dustun looked at him dumbfounded. "You didn't just ask me that, you really didn't just ask me that," Dustin said and Troy looked confused. "Yes that means he likes you, call him right now," Dustin said and Troy picked up his phone and called him. "I was hoping you called me," he said over the phone and Troy looked at Dustin for advice. "Uhm yeah I was hoping you'd answer," Troy said and Dustin smiled. "Well I never got your name," the guy said, "Troy, yours?" Troy said. "Oh sorry the names Jake," Jake said over the phone. "Well you want to maybe meet up at Starcourt tomirriw," Jake said and Troy tried to hide his excitement "yeah that's cool," Troy said and then he hung up. "So?" Dustin said, "he wants to meet up tomorow," Troy said smiling and Dustin smiled back.

Troy just arrived there and Jake was already waiting for him. "Hey," Jake said, "hey," Troy said back. "Soo your wearing the jacket," Jake said and Troy smiled at him. "I'm wearing the jacket," he said smiling. "Well now that I've done something for you, it's only right you do something for me," Jake said and Troy looked at him, "sure anything," Troy said. "Just answer two question. Are you gay? And are you dating anyone?" Jake asked, "well yes I am gay, and no I'm not dating anyone," Troy said and Jake's smiled. "One more question," Jake began to say standing onky an inch away from Troy "what's your type," he said and Troy blushed hard. Troy kissed Jake letting him know the answer to the question, Jake kissed him back and they held it. "Did that answer your questions?" Troy asked and Jake nodded, he was also blushing. They hung out fof awhile until Troy had to go home and he was scared at what his dad would do.

When he walked through the door he was met with a slap in the face. "Where have you been," his dad said drunk and Troy was already hurt from the last week and he didn't say anything. That was a huge mistake and so his dad grabbed a bat and Troy couldn't move he was paralyzed and his dad beat him with the bat hard drawing blood, Troy was gasping for air and struggling to even move. His dad didn't stop and then Troy looked up at his dad right before he passed out.

When he woke up, it's been an entire month and apparently he was in a short coma. He pressed the button for the doctors to come and about 2 minutes after that Dustin and Jake came. "I told him you were here," Dustin said and Jake waved. "Your dad is in jail right now and you can stay with me," Dustin said and Troy nodded. Troy felt horrible because it was his own fault why his dad was now in jail, why his mom was probably heartbroken, how his friends were probably so scared. Dustin hugged Troy and Troy just sat there and he couldn't feel his body. Everyone else rushed into the room and hugged Troy. Everyone except his own mother and that made him sad.

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