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Chapter 1

The jingle of the morning bell broke the silence.

The creaking of upper and lower bunks, the sound of washing water, and the opening of the cafeteria filled with the aroma of food, the school suddenly became noisy.

Residents and merchants around the school move with the ringing of the bell, but their actions are earlier than the ringing of the bell. Most of them rely on the school for a living. New students come and old students leave. Everyone has a different impression of the surroundings of the school. Some of them are The enthusiastic boss, some are the unique shop, and more are the irreplaceable delicacy.

Reflexive to the ringing of the bell for many years, Xia Yue woke up leisurely. The air in the three-story building was not bad. The lychee tree outside the window released oxygen wantonly, which made people feel refreshed.

She listened attentively to the commotion downstairs, and there was a vague voice of "boss, two meat buns", "a cup of soy milk, two fried dough sticks" and "okay." She frowned, smiled, and lifted the quilt Get out of bed and wash up.

After tidying himself up briefly, he picked up his schoolbag and went downstairs.

The further you go down, the louder the voice in the shop is. Mom always has a loud voice, and there is absolute power in her voice, which cheers up the chaotic scene. The students all know her temper and line up obediently. Unlike my mother, my father is not used to talking, and the impression he gives is that simple and honest smile.

By the way, the silver-haired old lady at the cashier in the shop cannot be ignored. She always has a kind smile on her face, but she has never made a mistake in collecting money and changing it.

As soon as the old lady looked up, she saw her children and granddaughters, and she smiled even wider, "Yueyue, take whatever you want for breakfast." "

Okay, grandma, then I'll go first." Putting your hands on the bag, you took two buns to the steamer, flipped them over neatly, the bag was hanging firmly on your hands, and only the residual warmth of the buns remained on your fingertips.

He greeted his parents again, bowed his head and walked through the crowd in front of the shop to the school.

Xia's small restaurant is not far from the school, about four to five hundred meters from the school gate. Since Xia Yue was born, it has been a student business. Xia's father is good at craftsmanship and uses fresh ingredients. Xia Yue eats her own food for three meals. Everyone knows that she is the boss's daughter, so they feel more at ease. The business is more popular than the surrounding merchants.

Eating while walking, at the gate of the school, the two buns have been eaten, and the bag is thrown into the trash can. After entering the school gate, walk through a section of boulevard, cross the square and arrive at the teaching building.

Xia Yue's class was on the second floor. Unlike before, the class was full of noise. She walked in silently, and there was no disturbance until she sat down.

After being dazed for a few seconds, she remembered why her classmates were packing up. This week is the last week of her sophomore career. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are the final exams. After the exams, they will enter the third year of high school. In order to save a little When my son was on the stairs, the school arranged for all the senior three classes to move to the first floor.

Furthermore, the exam room for the final exam is arranged according to the grade ranking results of the last exam. In order to avoid cheating, books that are not related to the exam cannot appear in the classroom. There is no small movement.

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