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Chapter 41

Tang Nian was in the north, and the courier arrived after four or five days.

The barley sauce is mixed with other packages, it is not conspicuous at all.

Every time she does an evaluation,? She will start a live broadcast,? Although fans can't touch it or eat it,? But the joy of unpacking is common.

She cleared out a large open space in the living room, stacked the packages in a haphazard manner, adjusted the camera, and started the live broadcast.

Because of the advance notice,? Soon, a large wave of fans flooded into the live broadcast room, and the barrage area suddenly became lively.

"What did Niannian buy again?"

"Looking forward to it."

"Niannian is one of the few reliable anchors I follow, and the things I recommend are sure to be right."

Tang Nian tilted his head and smiled: "Ajia is a good girl. Baby, what you said caused me a lot of hatred, okay, let's not talk much, let's open the box!"

She took a small knife, stabbed it, and the tightly wrapped package was scratched He opened a hole, threw away the knife, and opened the box with his hands.

"This is W's Konjac Soup. Some angels often recommend it under my wb comments, but my taste is relatively light. I wonder if it will be very spicy?" "I am too lazy to cook, and sometimes I don't even want to order

takeaway , so I bought the egg yolk cake from L's house,? Well, the skin is crispy, the glutinous rice skin is very elastic, the red bean paste is not very sweet, it's just right to eat, the egg yolk is very glutinous, and the layers of flavor overlap, complementing each other, my dears If you like it, you can also buy it and try it."

"I didn't receive an advertisement~ The taste is different. What I think is delicious may not be delicious to you. You can buy it or not. I'm just telling my own experience."

Tang Nian tried several small snacks in a row, his stomach was half full, his tongue tasted many flavors, his mouth was dry, and after pouring several sips of water, he was ready to open the last package.

It's Barley Sauce!

The body of the bottle has smooth lines, and it can be vaguely seen that it looks like a child. The relevant information of the sauce has been merged into the child's clothes, light silver, and he is looking at a door curiously.

Xia Yue's inspiration for the design of the Baiwei series LOGO comes from Assag. Of course, she has obtained his authorization, and she will save 10% of the income for Assag. In the future, he will not be afraid of running out of money if he wants to buy anything here. up.

Whether it is the packaging or the text, this sauce gives people a cute feeling, which makes people very curious about the taste of the sauce.

As soon as Tang Nian saw the real product, he fell in love with the design, put it in his hand and played with it fondly, and said to the fans with a smile: "I thought it was expensive at first, but now I think it's worth the price for such a careful packaging. "

Most of the girls are cute, and most of her fans are female fans. Seeing the sauce bottle, I feel like I have been shot by an arrow in my heart, and my heart trembles because of its cuteness.

"Although I can't bear it, I still want to know what the taste of this sauce is?" "

+1, the packaging is so good, the taste must not be bad, right?" "

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