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Chapter 56

Gemstones,? Xia Yue only had a superficial understanding of them on the Internet, and had never seen them before, so she was not sure whether these were real gemstones.

For all kinds of information about Interstellar, it is best to ask local people,? She looked at Baker, "Are these natural gemstones?" Baker didn't know why, why is

Miss Xia Yue interested in these ordinary stones? Is this also an ingredient?

But he still nodded honestly, "Yes."

Through him, Xia Yue learned that all the colored stones in the colored stone field are naturally formed, and gemstones are the most common ore in the interstellar world, and they are not worth much.

Diamond is a kind of gemstone. The difference is that its purity and hardness are relatively high, and its use is wider than that of colored gemstones.

Of course, the number of gem veins is much more than that of the earth, but it has not reached the point of flooding.

There is also a crystal stone produced in the deep sea that is enthusiastically sought after by the interstellar people.

In modern times, the top diamonds are reduced to only a little more noble than stones.

Xia Yue's thoughts surged, maybe she found a way to convert her interstellar wealth into modern currency.

But the colored stone field belongs to the scenic area. A few years ago, there was a gem craze. People took away a large number of gemstones from the colored stone field under the pretext of playing, which greatly damaged the scenery here.

Since then, the Yufeng Mountain Scenic Area has banned tourists from taking gems away.

Therefore, Xia Yue had to find another way to get gems.

She is mainly here today to play, put aside the gems, and devote herself to having fun.

The scenic spot not only has beautiful scenery, but also has a lot of fun facilities, some of which are more exciting, and some of which are soothing to the body and mind.

Asagg is very courageous, and has been clamoring to play high-altitude drifting,? Xia Yue is concerned about his safety, so naturally he will not agree, and the child loses his temper.

The small body turned its back to her, feeling a little desolate for no reason.

Xia Yue finally realized how difficult it is for a bear kid, and it doesn't make sense to reason with him. Three or four-year-old children are more emotional than rational. They laugh when they are happy, and cry when they are unhappy. Assag's performance is considered very good .

But she doesn't have much contact with children, and when people get angry, she can't do anything, and coaxing children is also a laborious task.

She shot Baker a look for help, but Baker turned around silently, leaving her a cold back.

Baker: Don't touch me if you haven't covered the field.

Xia Yue couldn't help it, she wiped the sweat from her brow and resorted to gourmet food.

She went to Asagg and knelt down, took out a piece of cake from the space button, and said softly: "Asaag, my sister has delicious food here, you have never eaten it, it is fragrant, soft and delicious. Sweet."

"It's not that my sister won't let you play. There is an age limit for high-altitude drifting. You must be at least five years old to play. Now you are almost four years old, and there is one year left. Then my sister will accompany you, okay?" ?"

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