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Chapter 14

Scripps Star is very far away from the edge star Laurin Star, even if it is sent by the fastest logistics company, it will take four or five days to arrive, and Laurin Star is now in a very urgent stage, and the express mail enters Laurin Star must undergo strict inspection.

So six days had passed before Blake Webster received the package from his father.

At this time, he was finishing the meeting. As soon as he walked out of the conference room, his assistant, Sit, came up to him with a package in his arms.

"General, this is a package from your father."

Black nodded and walked towards his office. When he reached the door, he stopped thoughtfully, turned around and said, "Sit, give me the package, Go get busy first."

"Yes, General."

Black took the package into the office, and after closing the door, he sat on his seat and squeezed the space between his brows, almost all the star thieves gathered outside were wiped out. , there are only some scattered soldiers who fled the battle, which is not good.

In a day or two, he will be able to pass the good news back to the imperial capital. His Majesty will be very happy then, and I don't know if he can be given a few days off to go back to visit relatives. Asagg may have grown a lot taller... Iron man

tenderness Thinking of his family members, Blake's expression softened a lot.

He looked at the package in front of him, and didn't understand why his father suddenly sent him something. Since he had Assag, he was no match for his son's finger in his father's eyes. So, what was the purpose of this package?

Thinking of his father's bad intentions of joining forces with Assag to tease him in the past, Blake's speed of unpacking slowed down significantly.

Uncovering the outer anti-collision layer, the face of the incubator was revealed. He took a deep breath, what else could he do? If he doesn't open it, he will definitely be asked about it when he contacts his father tomorrow, and the old man will definitely sell it badly again, saying that he will forget his father after marrying a daughter-in-law, and don't care about him when he has a son. The ramblings made him dizzy.

In order to keep his ears quiet, Blake resignedly opened the incubator, but what was inside was quite different from what he had imagined.

The tip of his nose was filled with a strange fragrance, and his stomach suddenly gurgled. It was obvious that he drank a nutrient solution before the meeting.

He first picked up the letter from his father on the top floor, which said how to eat and use the tableware. There were no extra words, but the handwriting was indeed his father's.

Blake was even more suspicious. He is now the highest officer of Star Laurin, and many people want him to have an accident. The victory is imminent. He can't take it lightly. In order to confirm whether it was the star thief, he dialed his father's private communication.

Soon, the figure of his father appeared on the light screen in front of him. Black sat up straight and asked, "Father, how are you doing?" Gus gave him an annoyed look, "I'm fine

, You don't have any missing arms or legs, do you?"

Black naturally heard the concern hidden in his father's not-so-friendly tone, and he briefly talked about the current situation on the border, and then asked about the incubator.

"Did this really come from you?"

Speaking of this, Gus couldn't help recalling the wonderful taste, and his mood became even worse. He said in a sour tone, "It's your son's filial piety." Blake felt very

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