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Chapter 5

Today is exam day and also a holiday, the long street in front of the school is crowded with people, even Xia's restaurant is full of seats, Xia's father is still busy in the kitchen, Xia's mother is very busy serving dishes, and Xia's grandma is in charge The cash register is in charge of taking orders from customers.

As soon as Xia Yue got home, she was taken away to help. Obviously, no one was free to entertain Shi Yu for the time being. The busyness of everyone was in stark contrast to his leisure.

Seeing him standing at the door in a daze, Xia Yue thought for a while, took advantage of the gap, ran up to him, and said in a low voice, "Well, why don't you sit down and wait?"

She had already asked her father just now, The room next door was indeed vacant, but he had to wait a while to show him the room. It was not good for people to stand and wait. As the only relaxed person in the family, Xia Yue had to take the initiative to invite him to sit down.

Shi Yu looked around the small shop, there were no more vacant seats, and there were even customers standing and waiting at the door, he shrugged and said, "Where to sit?" "Come with me." Walking to the


, Xia Yue turned sideways and motioned him to go inside. Shi Yu took a look and saw that there were two stools inside. Without being pretentious, he stepped in.

The cash register itself didn't take up much space, and a tall person was seated at this time, and the space became even narrower. Xia Yue moved out, but he could still hear his shallow breathing, feeling extremely uncomfortable. up.

Fortunately, a customer came at this time, and she didn't have time to think about it after she put in the work of ordering and cashiering.

On the contrary, Shi Yu was a little bored, after replying to the messages from his friends, he swiped his phone for a while, and put it down when he had nothing to look at.

The stool was too short for him, and there was only a little room for movement under the cashier counter, and there was nowhere to put his long legs, and he could touch his deskmate with a slight movement. To avoid embarrassment, he had to maintain a position aggrieved, watching It looks a little pathetic.

But soon he was attracted by other things. There were many customers in the store, but there were very few service staff. In addition, there were only four minors at the same table, but he didn't see any panic. He arranged everything in an orderly manner, which shows that his super high degree of tacit understanding.

Her eyes slowly turned from the shop to the side, and Shiyu couldn't help lying on the table. Because of writing the bill, her long sleeves were rolled up, revealing her white wrist, which was small and slender and suitable for writing. When he was in bed, the veins on the back of his hands were slightly bulging, and when he moved, he felt a little cute for no reason.

Her handwriting is not as gentle as hers, on the contrary, it is a bit bold and sharp, which is really contradictory.

Suddenly, a few long hairs brushed the tip of his nose lightly. The faint floral fragrance smelled very good. Shi Yu couldn't help but want to spy on the face covered by the long hair. Is it the same as he imagined? At this moment, he felt a little ridiculous.

"Young man, haven't you been waiting for a long time?" A gentle voice rang in his ears, and he blushed a little in a panic, and sat upright.

"Not long ago, not for a while."

Grandma Xia put two bowls of desserts on the cash register table, and continued: "Is it very hot? Look at your ears are red, eat some desserts to get rid of the heat." Shi Yu stood up and

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