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Chapter 46

The white rice was stuffed before the live broadcast, so it's good to eat now.

Since the rice is interstellar rice, it is oval in size and as big as a modern corn kernel. Luckily, interstellar rice cooker is powerful.

Xia Yue scooped up a bowl and put it next to the tomato scrambled eggs, and said with a smile: "Rice is the staple food, eat it together,? One bite of rice, one bite of vegetables." Now, the anxious

audience before was dumbfounded. See the light.

Everyone howled.

"Anchor,? Why didn't you say so sooner! I've finished all my dishes!"

"It's a good thing I still have half of it left, hehe."

"White rice is delicious on its own, sweet."

"As expected of a staple food, After eating a small bowl, my stomach will be full."

Xia Yue was afraid that they would finish the rice again in a hurry, so she quickly said, "It doesn't matter if you finish the tomato scrambled eggs,? Next, let's make a more delicious dish, you guys Remember to save some rice,? This dish must be eaten with rice to be delicious."

What she wants to do is stir-fry beef with chili peppers, and this dish is very educational.

Because she is now in the perspective of a professor, Xia Yue strives to maximize the teaching results in the shortest possible time.

She explained: "Please remember, the main cooking method we are talking about today is stir-frying. Most meat can be paired with vegetables. For example, this beef can be paired with peppers, celery, and Stir-fry other vegetables together. Cooking is not static, and the ingredients will be sold tomorrow, and then you can use your ingenuity to make innovative dishes." "You save the taste of the finished product and send the link to

my first post In the Xingbo comment area, after tasting them one by one, I will choose two viewers who cook the best dishes and give them a mysterious gift. Others can also help taste and vote, and cooking skills can only improve if they communicate." Interstellar

People They have never participated in such a fun event, and they all expressed their interest in participating in Yunyun together.

After Xia Yue fully mobilized everyone's enthusiasm for cooking, she started cooking.

She explained as she started, "Whatever vegetables you buy in the future, you must wash them before cooking, because you don't know what harmful substances will remain on them." "

Chili seeds are the most concentrated place of capsaicin. Sometimes there will be a burning sensation."

Xia Yuexu talked about a lot of little knowledge, regardless of whether the audience absorbed it, anyway, the live broadcast will be replayed, so that she will not have to repeat it in the future.

Stir-fried beef with chili is much more exciting than scrambled eggs with tomato. Interstellar people have never eaten something so irritating. Many people said it was too spicy to eat, but some people liked it.

After she finally made another vegetable soup with minced meat, today's live broadcast ended satisfactorily.

After the live broadcast ended, her tense spirit completely relaxed. Don't look at her in the live broadcast room with ease, but in fact she was very nervous. She was afraid that she would say something wrong and mess up the matter. Fortunately, in the end she didn't Disgrace.

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