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Chapter 16

Due to the particularity of the ingredients, Black, as the supreme officer, could not taste these weird-looking things in full view, so he specially ordered Sit to wait for him in the back mountain with a bucket.

Sit was full of curiosity, if it wasn't for Shangguan's familiar tone and tone, he would have thought that the general had been transferred.

Blake came to the back mountain. This place is within the range of the garrison. It is relatively safe. Because it is backed by the mountain, few people pass by. After all, there are plants all over the mountain, and occasionally animals come out. If they are accidentally caught by them It's no joke to be contaminated with toxins on the body. Although it is not fatal, it will also suffer a little bit.

"Where is the thing?"

Sit turned sideways, revealing the two small buckets behind him, and said respectfully, "General, the toxin has been cleaned up."

Black patted his subordinate on the shoulder, and praised: "Good job."

He looked at The teeth and claws in the barrel, remembering their delicious taste, tried hard to restrain the saliva secreted crazily, and turned their heads to the assistant Sit and said, "Have you brought the flint?" "Yes." "Okay, take


slate Clean it up." There are gravel scattered at the foot of the mountain, and for some reason, the surface is fairly smooth. Blake has developed a hidden skill and knows how to find kitchen utensils on his own.

Not far from here, there happened to be a clear stream. When Sit went to clean the stone slabs, Blake built a simple stove by himself. In fact, he put two stones side by side. After the stone slabs were cleaned and put on the shelf, they would work together. up.

Flint is very similar to the ancient fire on the earth. Open the special wrapping layer on the outside and blow it gently, and it can ignite the flame again. The difference is that the fire of flint is more violent and lasts longer, so it can be used as firewood. .

Sit put the slate on the shelf, and then saw the general throw the flint to the bottom, the slate was heated, and the water remaining on it slowly evaporated.

He only felt that there were 100,000 question marks in his mind, what exactly is the general doing? What is the meaning of this move?

Just when he fell into deep confusion, Black had already put something on it to bake. The belly of the eight-legged crustacean was heated, and it struggled violently. Several legs slid on the stone slab, making a loud creaking sound.

If Black hadn't had the foresight to pick up a dead branch to hold it down, it might really have escaped.

The eight-legged crustacean was desperate, and the hotter and hotter the stone board made it lose its strength to struggle. The red color spread all over the body, and soon a strange fragrance wafted around.

Sit came back from his thoughts, the tip of his nose was filled with fresh fragrance, he looked at the source of the fragrance, and saw that his general was grilling eight-legged crustaceans in a decent manner, and the gravy of the crab itself was stimulated by the fire , dripping on the slate sizzling.

He hurried forward and said, "General, let me do it! You just need to tell me what to do." As a subordinate, how could he let the general do it himself? It was his dereliction of duty.

Blake was in high spirits at this time, and waved him to stay on the sidelines. After roasting the belly, he picked up the whole crab and turned it over neatly, and continued to roast the back. Press on the slate to make every part heated evenly.

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