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chapter 2

Xia's family is in the catering business, and they usually pay attention to hygiene. The south is hot and humid, and there are many cockroaches and rats. In addition to buying medicine to kill insects, they also raise an orange cat. There are big oranges on patrol. The mice have not been in Xia's house for a long time. appeared.

But to make such a big commotion, could it be Big Orange? Thinking of this, Xia Yue was a little relieved, and after a while, the sound disappeared, and then she opened her closed eyes, and turned her head to look at the place where the sound was made just now.

A small head stood on the head of the bed! The moonlight reflected on its face through the window, making it pale.

Then, a cry pierced the night sky, and the lights in the small building of Xia's house lit up again.

In fact, after listening carefully, there was another sound that was relatively immature, but Xia Yue had already fallen into boundless fear, so naturally she had no time to think about anything else.

Xia's father and Xia's mother hurried upstairs, without knocking on the door, they pushed open the door, turned on the light, and the room was bright.

"What's the matter?" When Xia's father turned on the light, Xia's mother had already walked to the bed along the familiar route, wanting to see what happened to her daughter, but she didn't think about it, but encountered obstacles.

When the light was on, she lowered her head, and her eyes met a pair of terrified eyes. It was a beautiful boy with fair skin, black eyes, black hair, and bright red mouth. He was about three years old.

Xia's father also noticed the child, and Xia's mother looked at each other, stunned for a few seconds, remembering that his daughter was still bored in the bed, he hurried over the little boy and lifted the quilt.

Mother Xia patted her daughter's back lightly, and there was trembling under her hands. She felt more and more distressed, and her daughter might have been frightened.

The gentle voice comforted: "Yueyue, it's okay, mom and dad are here."

At this time, Grandma Xia also came to Xia Yue's room. As I get older, my legs and feet are not as good as when I was young, so I took two steps slower.

"What's the matter? Yo, where is this child?"

Child? Xia Yue raised her head from her mother's arms, and saw the little boy in the room at a glance.

No wonder she only saw a head in the dark just now, her bed is relatively high, and the child is short, so only the head can be exposed.

The little boy was obviously also frightened, holding a small wooden box and crying loudly, Xia's father wanted to go forward to comfort him, but was afraid that his boss would damage it, so he stood there in embarrassment at a loss.

Grandma Xia was very distressed. When she saw the child, she thought of her granddaughter's appearance when she was a child. She gently hugged the boy and coaxed, "Don't cry, don't cry, baby, don't be afraid." Perhaps the old man's breath is

more Warm, the little boy stopped crying slowly, but he cried hard just now, and his little body was still twitching.

Xia's father sat at the end of the bed, frowned and said, "Yueyue, where did this child come from?"

Xia Yue was still confused at this moment, shaking her head, "I don't know, after my mother gave me the medicine just now, I haven't been Asleep, I found him because of the sound made by this little Douding. It was so dark at that time, so I was frightened. Sorry, Mom, Dad, and Grandma, I woke you up." "You child, did

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