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Chapter 28

Xia Yue stayed at home for several days. During this time, besides being with her parents, she was researching and developing new flavors of stewed meat. Now there are two kinds of red stewed and spicy stewed meat in the shop,? She is currently mainly developing white bittern.

The color of white brine is not white, but it is different from red brine. Its coloring power is not strong. The brine is yellowish, and the color of the ingredients is bright. The taste adds freshness and sweetness to the original taste of the ingredients. The requirements for the ingredients will be higher, and it is more suitable for stewing some ingredients with a mild fishy smell, and it is more popular with people with light tastes.

The restaurant at home is almost at the same pace as Baiweilu. Now the red stew, spicy stew and white stew are all alive.

Unlike Baiweilu, which is simple in operation, Xia's restaurant is more complicated. Therefore, the three main members of Xia's family are inevitably busy and hard. After all, they also have to take care of breakfast and cooking. Think about it.

Seeing this, Xia Yue didn't force herself. She packed several kinds of marinade and put them in the Gate of Time and Space. Although the old marinade in the store was still well preserved, she needed to add marinade from time to time, otherwise the taste of the spices would be slow. fades slowly.

When she came to the store, there was a lot of people in the store,? Nicole and Julia just nodded slightly when they saw her, and didn't even have time to say hello.

When she walked into the operation room, Mike was guarding the stove, and the stewed meat was still rolling in the pot. Seeing her come in, Mike quickly took out the chair in the corner, "Little boss, sit down." Although the little boss is younger than him,

but I can't stand the ability of others. At a young age, I own a stewed meat shop that is very popular in the interstellar. The daily turnover of the shop reaches millions of stars. If it is not for my salary is paid according to the sales volume, Mike They all feel that they will become an ugly hater of the rich.

"You're busy with your work, I'm just here to take a look." Xia Yue walked to the incubator, checked whether the meat was fresh, and nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that Orion didn't fool her, and the quality of the meat delivered was of high quality.

Then she walked to another incubator. This one was for marinated meat. She cut off a piece of meat with scissors and put it in her mouth to taste. Luckily, Mike didn't cheat on the stewed meat standard, and the time was neither too early nor too late, which happened to be within the range she set.

After inspecting the operating room, Xia Yue came to the front and entertained customers with two shop assistants until the shop closed.

She specially had dinner with the shop assistants. The dinner was provided by the shop. Each of them had a nutrient solution and free-to-eat braised meat. This was considered a small benefit, at least the shop assistants liked it very much.

Xia Yue picked up a piece of duck gizzard and chatted with them.

"Is there a lot of pressure recently? Do you want to hire another person?" She has experienced the evening peak in the shop and has a clear understanding of the traffic flow in the shop. The two shop assistants don't even have time to drink water. She is not the boss who enslaves employees , but you have to ask them about recruiting people, otherwise it would be bad if there are any conflicts after recruiting people back.

Nicole and Julia looked at each other and shook their heads quickly. You must know that in addition to the basic fixed salary, their salary also has a commission. The commission is divided into two parts, one part is 1% of the turnover, and the other part is According to the number of people serving, if another clerk comes, it will take their commission.

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