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Chapter 31

Has Xia Yue ever been so intimate with the opposite sex before? She struggled quickly: "Put me down." Besides, this is still a school. What if the teacher sees her? A trouble,? She didn't want to cause another trouble.

When she was picked up, she was facing Shi Yu with her face up, her hair hanging back in the air, revealing her delicate and white cheeks, Shi Yu's eyes widened slightly, if he remembered correctly, she was the same There are scars on the table face.

While he was in a daze, Xia Yue broke free from his embrace, but her foot was injured and she almost couldn't stand still and she was about to fall again. In the end, Shi Yu quickly supported her.

"Don't make trouble,? I'll help you go,? You can't go home like this." Shi Yu put aside the matter of the scar, and concentrated on doing the things in front of him first.

Xia Yue lowered her head and looked at her current appearance. The clothes on her body were crumpled and covered with dust due to the fierce struggle.

Don't think about it, now I look terrible, and I really can't go home like this. If my parents see it,? They will definitely be very worried and will ask why it happened.

She didn't want her parents to worry about her, and it wasn't her fault, so why let them get angry.

When Shi Yu saw his deskmate bowed his head in silence, he knew that she had listened to his suggestion.

He supported Xia Yue, and the two walked outside the school.

But it suddenly occurred to him that his tablemate needed medicine for his injury, but he didn't have a medicine kit at home, so he had no choice but to help Xia Yue sit down on the corner flower bed, fearing that she would act without authorization again, so Shi Yu squatted in front of the tablemate, Seriously said: "You wait for me here obediently, don't run around, I'll go buy medicine."

Xia Yue looked up at him, the high temperature of 30 degrees in the southern summer is normal, he should have run back just now, sweating Wetting his clothes, she could even see the sweat in his hair glistening in the sun.

He probably didn't sleep well last night, his eyes were bloodshot, and there was a smear of black under them.

"You go, I'll wait for you here." Xia Yue finally opened her mouth, because of her temper, she has never been able to refuse other people's kindness.

Shi Yu nodded, and walked towards the pharmacy with big strides. He bought several kinds of wound medicines on the recommendation of the clerk, and soon came back with a small bag.

"Let's go, go to my place to tidy up first, and then you go home."

Fortunately, the school is not far from Xia's house, and Xia Yue has also recovered, and the two arrived at the small building rented out by Xia's house within a few steps.

This is the second time that Xia Yue came to the place where the same table lived, and it was the same as last time, nothing changed, and it was even more deserted.

Shi Yu helped take off her schoolbag, and pointed in the direction of the bathroom: "Go and wash your face, tidy up, and I'll apply the medicine for you when you come out." After thinking for a while, he said, "Can I go? Do you want me?

" Help you?" He said as he was about to help her up.

Xia Yue broke free from his shackles lightly, and said, "I'm fine." After speaking, she walked to the bathroom, and the door closed with a soft "bang".

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