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Chapter 64

A few days after the auction, Shi Yu returned to the capital first.

On the day of farewell, there was a little light rain, which took away the boredom of summer.

Xia Yue woke up early to see him off. Shiyu didn't have much luggage, just a big suitcase. He cleaned the house and handed over the keys to Papa Xia in the morning.

Dad Xia still didn't see their tricks, so he handed Shiyu a few big meat buns, smiled and said, "Take it on the road and eat it." He turned his head and said

to his daughter, "Yueyue,? Xiaoyu is leaving. You came to see him off." Shi

Yu took the bun and thanked him politely: "Thank you uncle." Just like he just came.

Xia Yue and Shi Yu walked out of the restaurant holding umbrellas, the raindrops hit the umbrellas, and silence pervaded the two of them.

"I'll take you to the airport."

Shi Yu didn't want her to go at first,? It was still raining now, and he knew she hated rainy days the most. But seeing the stubbornness and reluctance in her eyes, she didn't say the words of refusal.

The car he drove before has been disposed of, and the car that took him to the airport is the company's business car, so it won't rain if the assistant takes her back later.

The two sat on the back seat, and Shi Yu held her hand tightly. Her hand was cold in this hot summer, and she didn't sweat a bit. Xia Yue thought for a while

and asked, "How is your company doing now? " He explained: "When my parents went to the auction site a few days ago, that client was also there. He didn't want to talk about it at first. Later, I saw that my parents had a box on the second floor. You know, you can go to the second floor." The building is either rich or expensive." This society is so utilitarian, even if it is about to go bankrupt, once it is seen by others, there is still value for use, and countless "little effort" are enough to bring the company back to life.

Xia Yue breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that it would be very hard for him to go back and take over the mess.

"As soon as the results come out, you must tell me as soon as possible." Before boarding the plane, Shi Yu asked.

He didn't know why she still hesitated in her heart. With her previous grades, she would definitely be admitted to a top university in the capital, and he also asked her about her status during the college entrance examination, and there was nothing wrong with it, unlike the one who failed the exam look.

Xia Yue fully agreed, "I know, give me your mobile phone?" Shi Yu

raised an eyebrow and smirked, "I'm starting to check the guards now? Don't worry, there is absolutely nothing hiding from you!

" Give it to me." Xia Yue glanced at him suspiciously, there must be something shady in this phone, right?

Shi Yu had no choice but to take out the mobile phone from his pocket. If he didn't give her the mobile phone today, this sensitive little fool would not know how to make up for him!

After Xia Yue took it, she turned on her phone, only to find...

"When was this photo taken?" The lock screen and wallpaper of the phone turned out to be her photo. In the photo, she was resting on the table with her eyes closed. Sleeping peacefully, a large piece of golden light cast down from her back, maybe it was a problem with the shooting technique, and a small colorful rainbow appeared above her.

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