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Chapter 10

In the evening, it really is a sumptuous meal. Sweet and sour pork tenderloin, boiled fish, cola chicken wings, salt and pepper pipa shrimp, steamed crab and other delicacies are served together. There are several flavors of light crayfish, such as thirteen spices, spicy and garlic Rong, bright in color and domineering in taste, for a while, the restaurant is firmly occupied by the aroma of food, and there is a tendency to overflow.

How could Asager have been hit by such a smell, strawberry potted plants are not uncommon, drooling, and rushed into the kitchen with short legs, the flesh on his stomach trembled, Xia Yue laughed, what a snack .

The same is true for the greedy cat Daju, who wanders around the door of the kitchen, but the owner has ordered him not to enter the kitchen, so he can only meow impatiently, trying to attract the owner's attention and give him a piece of meat to satisfy his hunger.

Seeing this, Xia Yue picked up Daju, which was quite heavy. She stroked its glossy fur, and complained, "Daju, you should lose weight." Meow

? This orange is plump!

Daju was originally an abandoned kitten. She picked it up on the way home from school. At that time, it was just born and was very weak. After making due contributions, the Xia family has never had any trouble with rats since then.

Although Xia Yue said so, she still gave it two small dried fish.

It was getting late, and the dishes were brought to the table one by one, quickly filling up the small table, comparable to a New Year's Eve dinner. From the delicacy of these dishes, it can be seen that Dad Xia is really happy today.

If there is one, there are two. After Xia Yue entered the kitchen at noon, the fear of many years seemed to disappear at once. Apart from not daring to get too close to the fire source, she was also able to stay in the kitchen for a while to help.

Xia's father and Xia's mother met each other's eyes, and their eyes were full of relief, and Xia's grandma's eyes were also red, everything is hopeful.

Assag doesn't understand the complicated thoughts of adults. He can be said to be like a fish in water in the kitchen. He touches and looks at it. Everything is very fresh. What made him even happier was that Xia's father would always cook a small stove for him when he tasted every dish, and his little pork belly was half full before dinner started.

"Today's Dragon Boat Festival, Yueyue has hope for overcoming fear and getting rid of scars. I am very happy. I only hope that our Xia family will get better and better in the future, safe and healthy." Father Xia expressed his sincere thanks to Assag, " Assag, I also wish you a happy growth."

Assag said in a daze, "Uncle, I've grown up, I'm not a one-year-old child anymore."

When those innocent and lovely words came out, everyone was overjoyed.

Grandma Xia picked up a piece of chicken wing for him, and said, "Yes, yes, Assag is an older child, so you can eat by yourself." Assag had been coveting

this dish for a long time, and after thanking him, he buried his head in it. Wake up, he hasn't learned how to use chopsticks yet, and it's obviously not easy to put chicken wings in a spoon, so he just started it directly, um, it's delicious!

In order to take care of the elderly and children, Xia's father cooks mostly sweet and sour dishes, which are more appetizing. The sweet and sour pork tenderloin is sour and sweet, and the inside is crispy and tender. The boiled fish is slightly spicy and refreshing, and the crab is full of umami. Without raising her head, Xia Yue also ate happily, eating a big bowl full of rice, the sense of satisfaction was self-evident.

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