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Chapter 76

The life after marriage is no different from usual. The biggest change is that every morning, someone will say good morning to her intimately in her ear, and the things at home have changed from single to double.

Xia Yue couldn't stand Shi Yu talking to her in such an intimate tone, and her heart always became very soft at this time.

After getting married, what you face is the problem of the birth of both parents.

She discussed it with Shi Yu. She doesn't want children yet. One reason is that she is not ready yet, and the other reason is that she is still young. She is only twenty-five years old now.

It's just that some of the beauty is that they meet unexpectedly. One day when Xia Yue woke up, she felt that her body seemed to be a little different.

But what was different, she couldn't say it herself, so she didn't take this difference to heart, and focused on the project in her hand.

The progress of holographic technology has been halfway through, and with the help of the state, the dawn is about to usher in.

Xia Yue's role in it is self-evident, because this technology is really important, necessary security measures have been arranged for her, and she will have a monthly physical examination.

Her pregnancy was discovered during the monthly checkup.

Xia Yue held her physical examination report and remained silent for a long time. The doctor who examined her congratulated her, and she simply smiled back.

The doctor thought she was afraid, so he comforted her, "Miss Xia, don't worry, there are medical staff like us here. If you think too much, it will affect the health of the fetus~" Xia Yue has calmed down now

,? She

smiled and said, " I just haven't calmed down for a while, doctor, don't worry." It's a wonderful thing, you just have to experience it."

Xia Yue learned about the precautions with the doctor before leaving.

She really wanted to share this good news with Shi Yu immediately, but he was on a business trip abroad to discuss a very important project. In order not to distract him, Xia Yue had no choice but to suppress her excitement and keep the news a secret .

At the same time, she began to pay attention to the intensity of her work and asked Assag to help share some of it.

After Assag was determined to come to the modern age, Xia Yue asked Shi Yu to help him get an ID card, and he was now able to walk freely in the modern age.

However, just like her, Assag also faced the problem of language barriers, so the two complemented each other perfectly. She taught him Chinese, and Assag taught her interstellar characters.

But he is much smarter than her, Chinese is not difficult for him, and he also learned English, Russian and so on.

In a few years, Assag has grown from a small bean to a small man, and his height has also increased a lot.

After several years of hard work, the gate of time and space agreed to continue to open for a few more years. Assag wanted to keep the gate of time and space open forever, and he paid too much for this.

Xia Yue sometimes feels sorry for him, but after he smiled, he devoted himself to the research and development of new technology.

Faced with the job that Xia Yue suddenly pushed him, Asagg was a little surprised, but still happily accepted it.

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