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Chapter 8

After returning home, Xia Yue handed over the tablemate's return gift to her grandma, and she herself planned to go back to her room to rest for a while. After all, dealing with people is physical work, and as soon as she relaxes, she feels exhausted instantly. She just feels that she has no strength .

However, Assag still remembers what happened before, the gift he gave to his sister, and she hasn't opened it yet!

Is it because my sister doesn't like the gift he gave? Isn't the baby unlovable? The more I thought about it, the more wronged I became, my glass bead-like eyes were fogged up, looking pitiful.

Xia Yue is very sensitive to people's emotions, even though she was tired, she quickly discovered something was wrong with Assag.

"Assag, what's the matter?" She knelt down and said softly, because of the special fate between the two of them, she had already assumed the role of his guardian, and when she saw Jindoudou in his eyes, she was also very anxious.

I wondered in my heart whether he was emotionally unstable because he was frightened in the elevator just now. The baby will definitely be afraid when he comes to a strange world. He is the person he knows best, but he is so careless and does not take good care of him. Yue fell into deep annoyance for a while.

Assag sniffed his little nose, his eyes were red and

he asked, "Does my sister like babies?" It's my sister, and my grandma, uncle, and aunt all like the baby." "

Then sister, will you go and see my present?" Asager smiled through his tears, and he knew that the baby is the most likable.

Xia Yue couldn't laugh or cry, it was because of this, but what is the gift that the baby is thinking about? It was worth him thinking about it all the time. Thinking of this, she ignited a strong curiosity.

"Let's go, let's see what gift Assag gave to my sister now. I guess the baby must be very careful, right?"

Assag nodded heavily. bought!

Xia Yue led him up the stairs. Asagg struggled to climb the stairs with his short legs, using both hands and feet. After climbing a few steps, he was already out of breath, breathing heavily, and his belly was bulging.

"Assag, how about my sister hug you?"

"No, the baby is not a one-year-old, so don't hug." Continue to crawl forward.

Xia Yue was amused by his childish words, and walked behind him with a smile. Fortunately, grandma was diligent and kept the stairs clean, so Asagg did not become a dirty baby.

By the time we reached the third floor, twenty minutes had passed.

She poured Assag a glass of water and wiped his sweat before coming to the bed and looking at the bottles and jars, there were four things in total.

The design of the bottle and jar is very aesthetic, the color is green and silver, full of sense of technology, there are patterns and words printed on it, the pattern lines are smooth, it looks like a girl, as for the words...she can't understand.

She looked at Assag, who was drinking water earnestly without stopping.

"Assag, my sister likes your gift very much, but my sister can't understand the words on it, so can the baby tell my sister what is in these bottles?" According to the pattern on the bottle body, she thinks it should be for

girls Cleansing and skin care products, but because of the scars on her face, she rarely uses skin care products, and usually just washes her face with water.

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