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Chapter 26

Genetic repair is actually quite safe. There are almost no cases of failure, but the process is unbearable pain for ordinary people.

Perhaps it is because the metamorphosis must go through this period of pain? Scientists have also tried to remove the uncomfortable elements of the repair fluid, but they have not been successful.

Two days before the genetic restoration, Xia Yue informed her family of the date of the genetic restoration.

The elders were stunned for a while, feeling a sense of relief that finally came.

Xia's mother held her daughter's hand tightly, and said expectantly: "Can't we do it at our own home?"

Xia Yue comforted softly: "Mom,? Gene repair liquid is precious, and people are not allowed to take it away." "

I I asked,? A total of five courses of treatment,? Each course of treatment only lasts for one hour. So, don't be afraid,? I'll be back when I'm done." During this

period, she has been using scar cream , the scars on her body have almost recovered,? But she still has the habit of disheveling her hair,? Only when the heat is unbearable,? Will she tie her hair up.

Xia Yue has changed a lot since she became the manager of the stewed meat shop. Although the inferiority complex in her heart has not completely disappeared, she is now able to talk to people gracefully, especially with her demure Temperament, people will be attracted to her unconsciously.

Xia's mother looked at her daughter who was getting better and better, and only hoped that her life would be safe and smooth after going through this experience.

"Then me, your dad, and your grandma are waiting for you to come back at home."

Xia Yue needs to go there one day in advance to make preliminary preparations, including rechecking all the data of her body to ensure that her body is healthy before using the genetic repair solution , to minimize the probability of failure.

"Renata, I'm sorry to trouble you." Nancy smiled while holding Xia Yue's hand.

Xia Yue gave the gift to the bright woman in front of her, "Here are some stewed pork I made myself, I hope you like it." She originally wanted to send a bouquet of flowers, but plants and flowers cannot appear in front of people at present. The one that can be obtained is the lo mei.

Renata is a workaholic strong woman, so she doesn't know anything about the gourmet food news that has been uploaded on Scripps recently, but she still took it politely: "Thank you, I have seen you The physical examination report, there is nothing wrong, and the treatment can be carried out on time tomorrow."

She put the gift away and entered the working state, and Xia Yue's nervous mood was relaxed a little by her calm and composed appearance.

"From now on, you don't drink any food except the purification liquid." Renata took out a transparent purification liquid from the sealed cabinet, "Drink it, it will make your body fully purified , can relieve the pain you suffer during the treatment."

Xia Yue took it solemnly, the purification liquid was cold in her hands, and there were wisps of white mist, she opened the lid, hesitated for a moment, and finally drank it all in one gulp.

The purification liquid flowed down her throat, and she didn't feel any taste on the tip of her tongue. If it wasn't for the refreshing feeling that slowly rose from her body after drinking it, she would have thought that what she was drinking was just water.

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