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Chapter 47

The winter in the south is extremely wet and cold. Xia Yue was tightly wrapped by her grandma and mother, only showing a pair of delicate eyebrows and eyes, and even put on warm gloves on her hands.

Coming out of the house,? She was holding a meat bun and eating deliciously. The Xia family's meat buns are thin in skin and big in filling, which are especially favored by customers.

"Hey, tablemate, wait for me." After buying breakfast, Shi Yu strode up to her after seeing the familiar figure at the same table.

He was a head taller than Xia Yue, and seeing the furry hat on her head, he pulled the ears on the hat with his big palm; "Are you so afraid of the cold?"

Xia Yue struggled lightly, but couldn't escape his clutches ,? "My outfit is normal, okay?"

The boy was furious. At this time, Shiyu was still wearing a thin coat with the zipper unzipped. Trembling, it's amazing.

Shi Yu laughed softly, coughing because he was choked by the pneumatic drill.

Xia Yue was helpless, and handed him the red scarf around her neck, "The winter in the south is different from that in the capital, you should pay attention." Anyone who has studied geography knows that the north is dry and cold, and the south is wet and cold. Go through the bones.

Different from his flamboyant personality, Shi Yu usually likes black and white. He didn't even look at such a bright red color before, but now, he naturally wants to enjoy his tablemate's concern for him.

He lowered his head to Xia Yue's ear, and said in a low voice, "Thank you for your concern." The

warm air breathed on his skin, Xia Yue's face turned red immediately, and he pushed him with his small hand, "Don't get so close to me !"

"Closer?" Shi Yu couldn't help but move a little closer, seeing her small and exquisite ears and fair and delicate skin, he suddenly felt a little parched.

Xia Yue only felt that she was familiar with the whole person, and with two points of strength in her hand, she successfully pushed him a step away, and gave him an annoyed look, "boring."

After speaking, she strode towards the school. Since the two exchanged their hearts, he would do some intimate actions from time to time, which was so embarrassing. She patted her flushed cheeks, and her heart was still pounding.

Fortunately, he has a sense of proportion and never messes around in front of others.

Shi Yu looked at the red scarf in his hand, wrapped it around his neck two or three times, touched his nose, and ran to coax people.

After entering the third year of high school, the winter vacation is destined to be very short, and the Chinese New Year can only rest for about ten days, and the rest of the time is used to make up lessons. The college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge for thousands of troops, and one point is enough to widen the gap. Xia Yue dare not careless.

Even Xia Yue couldn't stand the final exams for two consecutive days. She was dizzy and felt that all her energy and energy had been drained.

Leaning against the tree, there is a stone bench next to it, but it is too cold, she dare not sit on it, it will not be beautiful if the cold enters her body and gets sick.

Shi Yu asked her to wait for him for a while and go home together later. The exam room for her exam was on the first floor, and it was faster to walk out, so she had to wait here first.

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