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Chapter 34

For this food exhibition, Julia alone took the lead, while Nicole and Mike stayed in the store.

But so many people didn't make her flustered,? She picked up the stewed meat from the pot, put it on the sieve, let the remaining juice slowly drip out, and then picked up the stewed meat on the top layer,? Cut into slices or small dices while it is hot, and put it on a plate.

She has a cold personality, without the flattery of a service staff, she said slightly indifferently: "Customers who want to try, please line up."

Originally, there were still a few customers who saw that she was the only girl, and she was unmoved, and firmly occupied her. The front seat,? A minute or two passed, and the plate was right in front of me. The brown sliced ​​meat exuded a tantalizing smell,? But there was no way to eat it.

Julia looked at it coldly, "I told you to wait in line." It

was already hot, and the people behind became irritable, accusing the people in front one after another.

When Joey was in a bad mood, he immediately yelled: "Hey, you guys are really big. Do you think this is your own home? Do whatever you want? Don't block the way if you don't eat." The visitors who lined up

behind The audience echoed.

"That's right, how much time has this been wasted?"

"Let's line up! It only takes a few seconds."

"It seems that the compulsory education of the Star Alliance has not been fully covered, tsk tsk tsk."


The troublemakers in front Under the accusations of everyone,? Soon ran away in a desperate manner.

The order was restored, and Julia's complexion softened a lot.

She said to Joey who was the first to help, "Thank you, please try it." The guests come.

After Joey got her share, she stepped back to the side. She asked the camera to take a close-up of the braised meat, and held the brochure of lo-mei in her other hand. After browsing through it, she introduced to the audience: "Lo-mei is... ...animal meat?"

She looked at the meat in her hand with complicated eyes, continued to look at the brochure, glanced at the general ingredients and felt relieved, "It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't include Wangwang beasts and meow beasts, they are all things that have not been trained. There is no psychological pressure if everyone wants to eat it."

She has two bark animals and a meowing little Gongju at home, and if the so-called lo mei uses these two animals as ingredients, she will definitely boycotted.

The audience also saw the brochure, and their enthusiasm for lo mei became less enthusiastic.

When the nutrient solution company launched the animal-flavored nutrient solution, they were cheated once, and they still dare not forget the taste.

This stewed meat is fragrant, but who knows that it is not just a taste.

Joey didn't think too much about it, she had to try it before she could draw a conclusion. She poked a small diced meat into her mouth with a disposable stick, and the spicy and delicious taste swept her mouth instantly. The spicy taste can stimulate saliva most To keep her appetite, she ate several mouthfuls in succession.

At this time, the chattering viewers also came to their senses. As old fans of the live broadcast room, they naturally understand how tricky their anchor's taste is. Now that she keeps talking, they know how delicious this lo mei is. up.

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