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Chapter 70

Xia Yue was taken aback, and looked vigilantly at the source of the sound—the gate of time and space.

"Congratulations to the host for accumulating enough prestige points, the journey of the plane is now open." The voice was ancient and soundless, and it sounded like an electronic sound.

Xia Yue didn't expect that the Gate of Time and Space could still talk! For a while, I was too surprised to speak.

Unexpectedly, she didn't speak, and the gate of time and space also fell silent. In the end, Xia Yue couldn't hold back anymore, and asked: "What do you mean by what you said just now? What is your origin?" A

flat voice sounded: "I am an exploratory product developed by MKE666 Planet MK Technology Company, number 01 .01 will select a plane traveler on a low-level planet every ten years, and you are the lucky one. When you earn enough reputation points in the first plane, 01 will If it is activated, the door to the next plane will open, and you can choose whether to go there or not." The more

Xia Yue heard it, the more something was wrong, she is not a fool,? There is no such thing as a free lunch,? She understands this truth.

She doesn't believe that she can eat this pie for no reason, and she must pay a price.

Thinking of this, she calmed down.

After a while, she began to ask: "Why did you choose me? What is the price? What are the responsibilities and obligations of planar travelers? Will you cause harm to the earth?" 01 replied: "I use random

selection way."

Xia Yue couldn't help but retort: ​​"Are you talking nonsense,? My lotus pendant is inherited from the ancestors."

01: "It's just a storage carrier, so that 01 has a legitimate reason to appear."

Xia Yue: ...

01: "There is no price. The essence of ?01's existence is to allow the two interlinked planes to communicate with each other and improve each other. You have done a good job of this,? Asaag can't." "Why do you say that?


"Host, by virtue of your own advantages, you have developed interstellar food from scratch, giving interstellar people an unparalleled taste. But Asaag has not made any contribution to the earth so far. In another four years ,? If he doesn't take any action, the time-space gate between the two of you will be completely closed."

Xia Yue's face was blacked out, could it be that it made a mistake in its own choice? Help her choose a three-and-a-half-year-old child as a communication partner. Assag is still so young, what can he understand?

"So you mean that once there is an unequal situation between the two parties in the communication, the space-time channel will be closed?" "That's right,

so the host, for your modern industry, you should let Assag take action .With his current knowledge, he can completely raise Huaxia's technology to a higher level."

01's evaluation of Assag was unexpectedly high.

In the following time, Xia Yue continued to understand the various rules of 01 in the form of dialogue, the more she understood, the more shocked she became.

The time and space where 01 is located is more advanced than the technology of the Assag plane, and she can hardly imagine what kind of world it is.

She originally thought that StarCraft had developed well enough, but she really didn't expect that there would be a more powerful behemoth.

Sure enough, the saying goes: there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

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