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Chapter 38

Time flies,? It has been more than three months since the Gate of Time and Space appeared,? The watermelons and tomatoes planted at the beginning are indeed ripe.

Xia Yue set off with the guards sent by Gus, and soon arrived at the laboratory.

The current specialization direction of the laboratory is divided into two parts. One part is to concentrate on cultivating the seeds brought by Xia Yue. Under the condition of ensuring its normal growth, shortening its maturity cycle and cultivating the seeds belonging to Scripps faster. Star's second-generation seeds,? have achieved preliminary results, among which vegetable seeds are very eye-catching,? have already harvested a crop of seeds,? and the second-generation seeds have also been planted, with tender green leaves emerging.

In order to get the seeds, the vegetables of the first generation were not eaten, but left to grow. Although the number of seeds currently obtained by the laboratory is large, it is completely insufficient to meet the needs of Scripps, not to mention that it will be promoted to other planets in the future.

The second direction is to continue to study how to transplant interstellar native plants to Scripps and keep them alive. The current progress is zero.

Today is a big day. The scientists in the laboratory put down their work and felt the joy together.

The back room of the laboratory is no longer the bare one before, but divided into fields filled with various plants.

When Xia Yue arrived, the open space was already filled with big round watermelons. The stripes on the watermelons were very beautiful. Next to them was a basket of bright red tomatoes, with crystal water droplets on them, all of them were extremely juicy.

She couldn't help swallowing, but it may be due to the interstellar water and soil environment. Like animals, fruits are much larger than those on Earth. Perhaps the taste of fruits is the same as the delicious taste of meat. will get there.

The watermelon fields and small tomato fields were full of laughter and laughter, and there were bursts of exclamations from time to time.

Xia Yue stood on the ridge of the field, with a smile on her face unconsciously, her eyes searched for Grandpa Gus, and after a while, she realized that Grandpa Gus was in the middle of a big watermelon.

Picking watermelon is easy, cut it with scissors, and the watermelon can be separated from the plant. The hard part is how to move the watermelon to the field ridge. Regardless of his assistant's obstruction, Gus insisted on moving the watermelon he cut back. It is too big, it is estimated that it can weigh hundreds of catties, and the skin of this watermelon is thin and brittle, so the force should not be too heavy, otherwise it will split.

Gus bent down, holding the watermelon with both hands, his face turned red, but the watermelon was still motionless, Hetty laughed loudly when he saw this, "Gus, you can't accept it anymore." Gus didn't feel ashamed, after all,

he really He was also getting old, so he straightened up and thumped his waist, "The old subject is getting old, and His Majesty is still young and respects the old, so please help move this watermelon back?" Hetty was not angry, pointing at him and

sighing He breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, so you are waiting for me here."

"The old minister dare not."

Heidi was in the prime of life, and a hundred-jin watermelon was naturally no problem, and she moved it back from the field with ease. up.

He saw the little girl standing not far away at a glance, and called her over, "Little Xia Yue, long time no see."

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