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Chapter 66

With the end of breakfast, Xia Yue's live broadcast today also came to an end.

"Today's live broadcast ends here. Let's see you next time. Bye."

After the live broadcast, Xia Yue handed the ancient lotus seeds to Gus, and said with a smile: "These ancient lotus seeds are already sleeping over there." For thousands of years, the germination rate is relatively low, please ask interested scientists to study it."

Gus has been committed to enriching the species of Scripps Star, and he is very happy to receive such a gift, full of satisfaction With a smile on his face, he took the starship to the laboratory.

He has completely retired this year. Thanks to the dedication of plants, the Webster family can still maintain the glory of the millennium,? And his son Blake has grown into a general in charge,? He has taken the responsibility of the family from his shoulders,? He It's time for this old man to take care of himself.

Nancy still had to go to work, so she left after breakfast.

At this time, only Assag and Kunna were still there.

Xia Yue didn't need to think about it, Kunna must have a job to report to her, she said first: "Let's go to the garden to talk."

Asagg was afraid that she would drive him away, so he hugged Xia tightly with his little hands. Yue's calf, leaning his head on her knee attached.

Xia Yue laughed, and patted his little head, "Assag, let's go, let's go to the garden."

Assag looked at her in surprise, and said crisply: "Go to the garden, and the baby will go too!"

" Okay, baby, too."

The garden of the Webster family's old house is no longer the same. Later, Xia Yue brought many flower seeds and branches from modern times. The pot of roses that was given to Nancy was along the railing Climbing, it became a fiery red flower wall.

All kinds of flowers are competing for splendor, which is very lively.

The strawberry seedlings given to Assag by the florist's wife have multiplied and there are two ridges of strawberries in the garden. The red fruits exude an attractive sweet smell.

The shrewd and capable Kunna was also slightly taken aback. This was the first time she saw such a beautiful garden.

With the sudden emergence of food, scientists have put the cultivation of staple food and vegetables as the top priority, so ornamental trees and flowers can only be put on hold first.

However, because the Star Alliance has invested a lot of manpower in agriculture in the past six months, it has completed the promotion of ingredients ahead of schedule, and finally started to deal with flowers and other secondary plants.

Now flowers are slowly starting to circulate in the market, but the prices are still high.

Therefore, in Kunna's view, the Webster family's garden is a proper luxury, expensive and beautiful.

As soon as Assag arrived in the garden, he happily went to see his strawberries.

Xia Yue looked at Kunna and said with a smile, "Okay, now you can report."

Kunna wanted to vomit bitterness at first, but the breakfast had already subdued her heart, she didn't say anything nonsense, and went straight to the point: "The three old stores of Baiweilu have become one of the important symbols of the city where they are located, and the operation is relatively stable." "The

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