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Chapter 59

In the evening, Shi Yu called her on time.

Xia Yue withdrew from the sea of ​​questions. At this time, various subjects and questions were still intertwined in her mind. She was stunned for a moment. She went to the bathroom to wash her face before she regained consciousness.

She looked down from her room, Shi Yu was leaning against the tree, this was probably the only time she looked down at him.

Mouth upturned and smiled, bad thoughts arose in her heart, she ran to the bathroom to get a glass of water, poured it into the palm of her hand, and then sprinkled it down.

After Shi Yu finished making the phone call, he saw someone in the small group asking if he was still in the capital, so he replied casually, and the water dripped down.

It's raining? This was his first reaction,? Frowning tightly,? If it rains,? The surprise can't start as promised, which makes him a little depressed.

Hee hee~

Eh, Shi Yu heard the laughter from above his head, looked up subconsciously, and saw a sly smile on a small white face, his hands were still shaking, and the water droplets followed Following her movements, Yang Yang fell down one after another.

He felt helpless at her childish behavior, "Fun?" Xia Yue nodded, confidently

: "Fun!

" In the end, I felt embarrassed, so I changed it out again. Thanks to her good skin and complexion now, otherwise Shi Yu might have to wait longer. Xia Yue had already reported to her parents about going out to play with Shi Yu this evening. Although they were a little surprised, they didn't stop her. They only wanted to let her have fun while also paying attention to safety. Since the daughter has gained a lot of strength, Xia's father and Xia's mother feel relieved a lot. "I'm done, where are we going?" Xia Yue locked the door, walked up to him and asked curiously.

"You'll find out later." Shi Yu made a fool of himself, it wasn't a surprise if the surprise was revealed in advance.

"Mystery, let's go?"

"Go? No, let's go by car." Shi Yu led her to a slightly ostentatious car and opened the door for her.

Xia Yue sat in the co-pilot in a daze, while Shi Yu sat in the driver's seat.

"Do you drive?" Xia Yue asked uncertainly. In her opinion, driving is a very cool and powerful thing. She didn't expect him to drive!

"Surprised?" Shi Yu raised his eyebrows, and suddenly approached her sideways. Xia Yue froze all over. From her current angle, she could clearly see his curly eyelashes, his lips, his lips The color is neither dark nor light, very pretty...

Fortunately, he sat up straight quickly, but he curled up his fingers and tapped her plump forehead lightly, "What were you thinking just now?"

Xia Yue regained her composure Come, said blankly: "What?"

Shi Yu smiled and started the car without saying a word.

The scenery outside the window flew by, and the image of the colorful lights was like a bolt of lightning passing by. Slowly, the hustle and bustle of the city could no longer be heard, and the trees on both sides of the road increased.

"Are we going out of town?"

"Well, we'll be there in ten minutes? Don't worry, I won't sell you." When Shi Yu spoke, his tone was raised, which shows that he is really happy today .

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