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Chapter 62

In the end, Xia Yue gave the invitation letter to Shi Yu,? The auction house sent invitations according to the number of people in the Xia family, so she kept one for herself, and gave the rest to Shi Yu.

When Xia Yue talked about this matter in the evening, Shi Yu was extremely shocked. You must know that it is hard to get one invitation letter for the auction now, but she actually sold three invitations, which made him a little impressed.

Xia Yue has been waiting for him to ask the source of the invitation, but he has been silent.

She sent a message directly: "Aren't you going to ask?" If he asked, maybe she would consider speaking up. There are too many secrets between the two, isn't it a good thing.

But the gate of time and space cannot be said absolutely.

Shi Yu's phone call came directly.

After connecting, the two were silent for a long time, the breathing between each other was clearly audible, and the silence flowed unscrupulously.

Shi Yu's voice was a little hoarse and deep, "I won't ask,? You don't need to explain to me,? I will always believe you." She has a

secret, which he knew early on. About her scar removal in a short time,? About her miraculous scar cream, about her skin care products with remarkable effects,? About her inadvertently revealed memory and strength.

He was at the same table with her, almost inseparable all day long, all these things,? He was not unaware, but he chose not to ask, and silently helped clean up.

Shi Yu has never been so sober, what he likes are her people, including those secrets.

She can always trust him.

Xia Yue didn't expect him to say such a thing,? It can be said that he was very moved in his heart.

"Thank you."

Shi Yu smiled softly, his tone almost overflowing with pampering, "Fool, what kind of thanks do we have to say between you and me?

" ?"

After the company handover is over, he will return to the capital ahead of schedule, and the two of them will not be together for the next two months or so. The two have not been separated for such a long time since they met.

A little reluctance welled up in Xia Yue's heart, but she could also understand it. Hearing that his family's company was going through a very difficult time, he probably wanted to go back and get through this with his family.

Shi Yu pinched his brows, the headquarters in the capital was in trouble, and it was difficult to carry out affairs everywhere. Fortunately, the contacts accumulated by the Shi family in the past were still useful, and the aristocratic families they met also extended a helping hand. It was only a matter of time before this difficulty was overcome.

But the king of Hades is easy to see, but the imp is hard to deal with. Some approval documents from the branch office were stuck and difficult to handle, which made him extremely depressed.

"Fortunately, some things are stuck, but they will be resolved soon, don't worry."

Xia Yue felt distressed that he was disturbed by these things, but she couldn't help her, so she thought for a while and said, "Are you going to come over for dinner tomorrow? Oh, by the way, my mother seems to know about the two of us." Shi

Yu raised her eyebrows and ignored her first question, "Auntie, what's your attitude?"

"Her." Xia Yue elongated He stopped his voice and paused, which made Shi Yu's heart lift up.

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