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Chapter 17

Just like that, Xia Yue stepped into another time and space.

She took Asager by the hand, and felt a flash of light in her eyes, and came to a completely unfamiliar environment. She looked at this place, and both the layout and the furniture gave off a cold feeling, really. It has the cold elements in science fiction movies.

Assag was very happy, with a swollen stomach and a very masterful look, with a small mouth, he introduced: "Sister Yueyue, this is grandpa's study."

He dragged Xia Yue to the Bogu shelf, ? Pointing to the things on it, said: "The pendant is placed here."

The wooden box that originally stored the pendant was placed on this antique rack. After Xia Yue strung it up with a red string, it was always worn by Asag on the neck.

Xia Yue looked up at the towering antique shelf, and there were countless priceless antiques on it. She finally understood where her weirdness came from just now. It was really the antique antique shelf and the environment in the study. out of place.

The master was not there, so she didn't dare to take a closer look and didn't move the things in the study. She knelt down and supported Assag's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Assag, is there any adult at home?" She first The first time I visit the house, I am afraid that I will lose my manners.

"Grandpa is at home, and mother has gone to work." Assag tilted his head and replied in a childlike voice.

Xia Yue's face was covered with blood, and she couldn't help pinching his chubby face, stood up and said, "Come on, take me to your grandpa, okay? My sister brought a lot of presents." "Okay

, ? Does Asager have any presents?" If not, he will be angry!

Xia Yue laughed, "Of course."

The two walked out of the study together.

The study room is on the second floor. After walking a few steps out of the study room and looking down from the railing, Xia Yue exclaimed, the winding corridor bridge, the reliefs are shining, under the lights of Meilun Meilun, it is magnificent and dazzling.

Dazed for a while, Xia Yue looked left and right, but she didn't see the shadow of the stairs, so she couldn't help asking: "Assag, how do we go down?"

I don't know how Asagg did it, a white cloud suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and slowly landed at the feet of the two of them.

"Sister, this is a ladder, Xiaobai will take us down when we stand on it."

Xia Yue never thought that one day she would be able to experience riding the clouds and fog. After the two stood on it, Yun Duo automatically opened the transparent protective cover and slowly Lift off slowly, then land smoothly.

During the movement, Xia Yue didn't feel any discomfort at all. No wonder Assag got dizzy in the elevator. The user experience of the interstellar ladder is really great!

At this time, Gus was watching the news from various places in the living room, when he heard the sound of footsteps, he subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound, and saw an immature girl walking slowly towards him, leading her grandson.

He immediately understood who it was, and quickly stood up to take a few steps to greet him, "Hello, you are the sister Yueyue whom Asagg always misses, right? I am Gus Webster, Asaag's grandfather, your name is My Grandpa Gus is fine."

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