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hapter 40

The person who came was Huang Meifeng from Southwest Linjie. She came here this time for the scar removal cream.

Neighbors have lived together for decades, they know each other very well, what did Xia Yue look like before, and what does she look like now? She knows it all in her heart.

Xia's small restaurant is open as usual. The little girl Yueyue also goes to school normally. It is impossible to do some kind of skin grafting and plastic surgery. She must have received a good scar-removing ointment.

Huang Meifeng walked quickly with her little feet, and arrived at the restaurant before Xia's family had dinner.

"Hey, Sister Huang, why are you here?" Grandma Xia got up and helped her in, and asked after pouring her a glass of water.

The two have been called sisters for most of their lives. Huang Meifeng was not polite, she picked up the cup and took a sip of water. The sweet water took away the dryness in her chest.

"Sister Xia, the water in your house is good."

After sighing, she explained why she came, "I came to ask Yueyue if there is any ointment for removing scars?"

Grandma Xia sat down opposite her ,?Hearing this, I couldn't help leaning forward a little,? Shaking my head slightly: "I don't know much about these things. I will ask for you after my son and granddaughter come out. But Sister Huang,? You How did you find the scar-removing ointment?"

Huang Meifeng sighed, "It's my granddaughter, Xiaoxi, who has entered puberty and has a lot of acne on her face. You also know that girls of her age love beauty, no, after being ridiculed by classmates, they will not go to school, and shut themselves in the room every day, refusing to see people." "I really have no

choice , thinking that the medicine can cure Yueyue's scar, and it should also be effective for acne..."

The old man doesn't care whether acne and scars are the same disease, as long as there is a little hope, she wants to find it for her grandson.

Grandma Xia hesitated for a while, and finally said nothing. She patted her hand and comforted her: "Relax, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Xiaoxi is a blessed one, and she will be fine."

When Xia Yue came out of the kitchen, what she saw were two older sisters who were over sixty years old looking at each other and choked. She hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Grandma, Grandma Huang, who are you?" The figure's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to hold her hand tightly and said, "Yueyue." He took a closer look at her small face, it was white and smooth, and there were no ugly scars.

Xia Yue was not used to being so close to people, and she was afraid that the strength of her struggle would seriously hurt the old man, so she obediently asked someone to hold her hand. She looked at her grandma, her big watery eyes sending out a distress signal.

"Sister Huang, Yueyue is here, please tell her the details."

Huang Meifeng came back to her senses, let go of her hand, and said embarrassedly: "Look at me, I'm so excited, Yueyue , did it hurt you?"

Xia Yue shook her head, if something serious hadn't happened, Grandma Huang, who has always been prudent, would not have lost her composure like this.

"Do you need my help?"

Huang Meifeng has lived for such a long time and has experienced many things. After a while, she regained her calm appearance, opened her mouth slowly, and detailed everything about her granddaughter.

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