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Chapter 18

This issue was also discussed intensely in the Xia family.

After Xia Yue returned home, she gave away all the gifts she bought at Interstellar to her family. Dad got the scar cream, mom got the little blue bottle, and grandma got a set of skin care products and a bottle of permanent black hair dye .

Grandma Xia didn't expect her granddaughter to buy something for herself. She was moved and felt funny at the same time, "Grandma's face has turned into bark. What skin care products do you still use? Give it to your mother." Xia Yue said

affectionately She put her arms around her grandma's arm and said, "

Nonsense , my grandma is still young! Mom? Do you think so?" Quickly said, this is true,? Grandma Xia was the most beautiful girl in ten miles and eight villages when she was young. At that time, the era was not so open, and many promising young people gathered at the door of her house every day. Now I am old, but the time has precipitated the most elegant taste, and the charm still exists.

Grandma Xia laughed from ear to ear, "Don't say it to make people laugh." After all, she accepted her granddaughter's wishes.

Due to time constraints, her parents had to open a store, and she had to prepare the ingredients and take them there, so she didn't tell them about the genetic repair solution, and planned to wait until everyone was free.

Xia's mother carefully helped her daughter pack the ingredients, and asked curiously: "Didn't it mean that there is no kitchen utensils? How can I bring them?"

She couldn't imagine what it would be like to live without food and only rely on a nutrient solution to supplement the body. A life without food What's the point? But it's caused by the general environment, so it's understandable.

Xia Yue put a few bottles of drinks in the vegetable basket. When Asager came, he was still young, so he didn't drink for him. This time, Sister Nancy and Grandpa Gus were here, so she wanted to take them Share it with them, if possible, she also wants to taste what the nutrient solution tastes like.

Hearing her mother's doubts, she replied hesitantly: "Well, it depends on the situation. Sister Nancy just wants to feel it. I will bring the unused kitchen utensils from our house later. I don't know if there are any fire tools over there." ."

"Okay, come back if you need anything, anyway, it's just one step away, it's convenient."

Xia's father and Xia mother helped carry the things to the daughter's room and then continued to work. The evening meal rush is coming, so there is no delay in preparing meals.

Xia Yue moved all the things into the gate and stepped over.

When she came out, Nancy and Assag were looking at and touching a pile of ingredients, curious.

"This is Coke, Sister Nancy, you can try it." Xia Yue took out the drinks separately, there were several kinds, but the Fat House Happy Water had to be the first.

"What about me? Can the baby drink?" Asager looked at the bottle in his mother's hand enviously. Although it was dark in color, he believed in his sister, because there was nothing bad about her.

With a thought in her mind, Xia Yue showed a smirk. She picked up another bottle of Coke, unscrewed it vigorously, and gave Assag a fright.

"Come on, baby, take a sip."

Assag took the first sip contentedly, and then spat it out. It was neither sour nor sweet, and the smell was unpleasant. He just felt his tongue was hot, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

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