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Chapter 15

Shi Yu has been arrested by his father in the past few days. The company inspected the market in G City with great potential, and intends to set up a branch here. He is responsible for all affairs, from the company's site selection to architectural design, building materials, etc. He has to check, After finally arranging things well, he couldn't wait to rush over to comfort his internal organs.

He certainly didn't expect that he would be rejected as soon as he appeared.

Shi Yu sat down familiarly, Xia's mother saw the sweat on his forehead, and quickly poured him a glass of cold water, "Xiao Yu, drink some water to get rid of the heat." "Thank you, auntie." He was not polite

, I poured myself a few sips of water, and the coolness spread to my limbs in an instant. This is the correct way to open up in summer.

God knows how miserable he has been these few days. He has to run outside under the scorching sun. Not only was he tanned to black charcoal, but he also lost several pounds. His father is really too cruel, and he even set a deadline for himself. He must be on the right track before the college entrance examination, and Shi Yu can think of his miserable life in the future. The two mountains of studies and career firmly hold him down, and the time to breathe is a luxury.

Hungry in his belly, he showed a pitiful expression to Xia's father, "Uncle Xia, is there anything else to eat?" It's

hot, and many customers don't like to eat hot stir-fried dishes, so the ingredients in the restaurant are still available. For the rest, Xia's father patted the dust on his hands, looked at him and asked, "Yes, Xiao Yu, what do you want to eat? Uncle will make it for you." Shi Yu was immediately moved: "Thank you uncle, but don't worry too much

. Please give me a bowl of noodles."


"Uncle, put more meat!"

Dad Xia laughed, "Don't worry, you will be indispensable."

Grandma Xia glanced at the clock on the wall, It was more than one o'clock at this time, and she was concerned about Shi Yu: "Xiao Yu, I haven't had lunch at this time, this is really a crime, why don't you eat something first? Your Uncle Xia is still doing well." It will take a while to finish."

Shi Yu was very moved when he heard the words, "Grandma, you are so kind!"

Grandma Xia smiled happier, turned her head to her granddaughter and said, "Yueyue, didn't you make ice powder? Can you eat it now?"

Xia Yue only felt very tired. What did this guy give her ? What kind of ecstasy drug did the family members treat him better than themselves!

Don't say she's narrow-minded, the incident at the bookstore last time hasn't happened yet! After school started, Pei Qian and Fei Xiaorui didn't know what kind of monsters they would be. She just wanted to spend her last year of high school in peace, and had no intention of interfering in anything.

Thinking of this, she felt even more unhappy, why, so she gasped and said, "It hasn't been chilled well yet, if you eat it now, the taste and texture will be greatly reduced." When Shi Yu saw her expression, she was shocked

. Knowing what she was thinking, Xin Dao really couldn't offend a woman, obviously he was also a victim, so it was fine if he didn't reason, and he would continue to suffer unjustified disasters.

He simply smashed the jar, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's okay, I don't mind."

Xia Yue was stunned by his thick skin, and stared at him with slightly round eyes, as if to say: Why are you so shameless? ? Shi Yu

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