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Chapter 6

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is considered a big day in China.

Grandma Xia soaked the glutinous rice last night. The leaves of the zongzi have been scrubbed clean, and a lot of work has been spent on the stuffing. There is a strong fragrance before wrapping it.

Early in the morning, there was a commotion in the restaurant. Father Xia piled up the firewood at the door without knowing where. He patted the ashes in his hands, turned around and entered the utility room, and moved the firewood stove to the door. , the rice dumplings cooked with firewood are fragrant.

"This year's zongzi leaves are pretty good."

"That's right! I bought them from Lao Li, and I can't go wrong."

Inside the house, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were chatting while making zongzi, but the movements in their hands were not slow at all, and their fingers were flying, one by one delicate and small. The zongzi was piled up layer upon layer on the table, so many zongzi not only saved some for the family to eat, but also gave the rest to the neighbors in the neighborhood. This is the practice of the Xia family.

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, and after more than half an hour of busy work, the fragrance of rice dumplings wakes up the quiet streets, and more and more people gradually increase.

The Dragon Boat Festival is not a holiday for all walks of life. Xia's house is located in the old city, and most of them are hard-working people. After getting up early every day to buy some steamed buns and fritters at the early shop, they rush to work.

Breakfast is the beginning of a good day.

No, regular customers of many restaurants came here looking for tastes.

"Boss, your zongzi is really delicious, okay? Come and try two."

Dad Xia just pushed the breakfast cart to the door, and waved his hand and said: "I just cooked for half an hour, it's still early. "

The customer was a little disappointed. He hadn't eaten rice dumplings cooked with firewood for a long time. Since he left his hometown and came to a big city to work hard, the taste in his memory has gradually faded. Although rice dumplings are sold in many places, they are cooked in a pressure cooker. The zongzi here are the same, convenient and quick but lacking a little human touch.

"Boss, they mainly sell zongzi during the festival, why can't you make money here?"

Xia's father smiled very honestly, "There are not enough people, there are not enough people, what do you want?" The

customer also knew that this matter cannot be forced, so he left after buying a few buns.

When Xia Yue got up and went downstairs, it was the busiest time for breakfast business, so she hurried forward to help.

Seeing her daughter coming, Xia's mother raised her chin towards the firewood stove and said, "Yueyue, go get some firewood."

Xia Yue raised her head suddenly, with disbelief in her eyes and more fear.

After being stunned for a few seconds, her feet were as heavy as lead, and she lowered her head again as if to escape, not daring to see the expression on her mother's face at this time.

Xia's father paused, and hurriedly said: "Yueyue comes to pick up my shift, I'll fill in."

Before he untied his apron, Xia's mother's deep voice came over, "You just stay here, Yueyue will go. "

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