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Chapter 42

After Pei Qian's thorns were removed, the atmosphere in the school improved a lot, and Deng Man became Xia Yue's little fan girl. Whether it was going to or from school or during recess, she couldn't wait to cling to her.

This makes Shi Yu so angry. He is busy with the company, so he can get along well with his deskmate when he is in school. When the deskmate is in class, he is always absorbed in class, and the time is compressed to only Deng Man didn't have the eyesight to see the recess time, and the recess time was also taken up by her.

But seeing the little sisters sitting head to head on a stool and laughing happily, he naturally couldn't drive them away as he has no status. People are not hypocritical,? Just pretend not to see his aggrieved face.

"This is the glutinous rice cake I made with my own hands. Do you want to eat it?" Xia Yue took out an exquisite snack box from her schoolbag. She is growing up recently and is hungry very fast, so she often makes some snacks Take it with you.

Deng Man's eyes lit up when she heard this, she nodded quickly, "I want it!"

Xia Yue chuckled, she stretched her brows and eyes, and opened the food box with her slender hands like nephrite jade. The white and plump glutinous rice cakes are very small and cute. Through the milky white skin of the Q bomb, you can faintly see the green, red or yellow inside, and there are several flavors.

Most girls are visual animals. When Deng Man saw such delicateness and the tip of her nose was full of sweetness, she couldn't help but pick up a fat white one and put it in her mouth to taste it.

"It's delicious! Yue Yue, your craftsmanship is really good."

"As long as you like it." Deng Man's eating appearance is very cute, her cheeks are bulging, like a little hamster stealing food, Xia Yue looked at Just very happy.

Shi Yu wronged her for ignoring herself, even though he was sitting next to her, she didn't even call him when she had something delicious! snort.

"At the same table, I'm hungry too." He had no choice but to take the initiative.

Xia Yue glanced at him, seeing him staring straight at her, she quickly looked away, but she still pushed the food box towards him, not knowing what he was up to recently, grandma often talked to him .

When I saw it, the corners of my mouth turned up in an instant, without looking carefully, I picked up a soft glutinous rice cake and threw it into my mouth.

Chewing and chewing, he suddenly felt that the taste in his mouth was not quite right. The strong and special scent of mango made him shiver. He jumped up from his seat in a hurry, ran to the trash can and vomited it out.

Then he ran out of the classroom without looking back.

His movement was not small, not only Xia Yue and Deng Man were frightened, but also the students in the class looked at him curiously, but everyone felt that there was a gust of wind, and he had long since disappeared.

Deng Man swallowed what was in her mouth, looked at Xia Yue, and said in surprise: "What's wrong with you at the same table?"

Xia Yue shook her head and bit her lip unconsciously. Is the food she made so unpalatable? So much so that you want to vomit?

She looked at the food box, her eyes froze suddenly, she remembered that the tablemate was allergic to mangoes!

The food box □□ has six pieces of glutinous rice cakes, which are three flavors of matcha, red bean and mango. Manman ate one matcha, and had not had time to eat the second one. Now there is only one matcha, one mango and two red beans.

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