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Chapter 20

Xia Yue opened the door of the study. The headlights in the house have been turned off. There are only a few scattered wall lamps that glow softly. It seems that it is still night. She doesn't want to disturb their rest, but the shrimp Things like crabs have to be eaten while they are hot. They don't taste good when they get cold.

After hesitating for a while, she still rang the rattle hanging on the door. The crisp sound of the bell rang suddenly in the night, and soon, Nancy came over with a yawn.

"Yueyue,? Morning, good morning?" It's night here,? Nancy guesses it should be morning over there?

Xia Yue was a little embarrassed. After all, she had disturbed other people's dreams. She pursed her lips and smiled, pointed at the two or three big pots of food on the table, and said, "These things are all ready, they are delicious."

After a pause, he made a suggestion softly: "Why don't you put an incubator in the study in the future? In this way, I won't be afraid that it will cool down when I bring something over and put it in it, and it won't disturb your rest. "

Nancy wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, nodded and wrote down the matter, and then threw herself in front of the three pots of seafood with a strong fragrance to drool, not as sleepy as before.

Pointing to the thing in front of her in disbelief, she asked, "Is this really made by those two ugly animals?" She remembered the strange smell that hit her face when she opened the package sent by her husband,? People are so coveted.

Xia Yue replied with a smile: "Of course, in the world over there, they are called blue crabs and crayfish, and they are very popular among the people. And the quality here is much better than ours. You should really pay attention to the edible and take advantage of them."

Nancy couldn't help but pinch this worrying little cutie, put her arms around her and said, "It's not too late now, so we need you to save our poor stomachs."

Xia Yue waved Waving his hands, he retorted in a low voice: "It's not so exaggerated." But the feeling of being needed is still very happy.

"You can eat it to see if it suits your taste." She knew that Nan Xi had eaten crayfish and crabs, so she didn't teach her how to eat them. I got hungry after looking at it, so I started to eat together.

Nancy's greed was satisfied, and she sighed, "Great!"

"I've already contacted the engineering team to come to build the kitchen after dawn, and it should be ready in a day or two, but I still need you to provide the drawings for those kitchen utensils." She said While breaking off the head of the crayfish, reluctant to part with the remaining soup on it, he sipped it vigorously, chatting with Xia Yue about his current progress.

Xia Yue stopped what

she was doing and was very surprised : "So fast?" The store is under construction, after all, if it opens earlier, she will have delicious food to eat at any time.

"Also, what do you think about the small store? I initially chose the Villa Mall, what do you think?" Afraid that she might not remember where the Villa Mall is, Nancy hurriedly explained: "It's the place where you shopped yesterday , it is the most prosperous place in Scripps and the place with the largest flow of people."

It really is a highly efficient society, Xia Yue has been stunned by her speedy movements, and she feels that if she says that she wants to open a store immediately tomorrow, Sister Nancy estimates that she can offer a shop with both hands now.

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