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Chapter 19

This package was finally brought back to modern times by Xia Yue,? Nancy's ten fingers are not touched by Yang Chunshui,? It is a waste to put things here,? It is better to let Yue Yue take it home,? With her craftsmanship,? To give this shrimp The best home for crabs.

Xia Yue didn't take the kitchen utensils and chopsticks back, but put them here, so it's convenient to cook next time, but the backyard is always open-air, and it will also withstand the rain and wind, so she suggested to Nancy Build a kitchen as soon as possible. It is best to have a dining room with a special place for cooking and eating, so as not to occupy the living room frequently. Otherwise, the living room will inevitably be contaminated with the smell of food in the long run.

She moved the box to the door, and wanted to talk to everyone before going home, but she didn't expect the box to fall out with a bang.

Thought something special happened,? Everyone's heart was raised.

Gus wanted to stop it just now, but Xia Yue moved the box in quickly without waiting for him to open his mouth. He patted his head and said, "It's my fault that I didn't say it in advance. This door has a screening mechanism, which is a little bit technological. It's hard to get through."

Xia Yue nodded in a daze, she didn't expect this door to have such an attribute,? Yes, otherwise everything can communicate with each other, and it would be a mess. If the lotus pendant is inherited by an ambitious person, Buying the most lethal weapons from interstellar to modern times, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Then she jumped up in a panic, and the box was ejected, but there were no shrimps and crabs in it! Isn't that... scattered all over the floor in her room!

She took a deep breath and hurriedly said, "I have to go back quickly. I'll send you some more when the things are done. See you next time.

" Xi Le couldn't be happier, that's right, she is a few years younger than her, but she is more mature and dignified than her, without the slightest vivacity of a young man.

"Dad, you need to find a special hunter for catching animals, right?" Nancy didn't know much about this, so she realized the difficulty after taking the matter over.

Gus nodded: "There is a special trading section on the star network, but the information is complicated, and it needs to be carefully identified."

"Okay, then I'm busy. By the way, the location of the store, I think, how about opening it in the Villa Mall?"

Gus waved his hand, "It's up to you to decide, I will go to His Majesty to find out." Plant Being able to survive in Scripps is a big deal, and not reporting it will arouse the suspicion of the royal family. Before that, he might as well report it voluntarily.

Xia Yue definitely didn't expect that Nancy's actions were so fast, she had already chosen the address, and she didn't let herself worry about it.

But right now, she was worrying about herself. When she stepped over, with a click, a crayfish was crushed to death. Before she had time to panic, she collapsed when she saw what the room looked like.

Shrimp and crabs crawled all over the ground, and the curtains, beds, quilts, and the green plants in the room were all eaten up to nothing but bare poles.

Especially since the shrimp and crab are big and crawl everywhere, the impact on the eyes and mind is not so strong.

Xia Yue stood on tiptoe cautiously and walked out of the room after a lot of effort. After she came out, she went straight to the first floor. She couldn't handle it by herself.

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