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Chapter 68

Xia Yue is really not used to being thanked like this,? But people came here to thank her specially, it's not good to leave her here, so she had to obediently be a mascot.

Fortunately, grandma helped share most of it, so? He let out a sigh of relief.

But Wang Qing saw it, Xia Yue smiled embarrassedly at her.

The essence is really easy to use, but Wang Qing has used it for less than a year, and the marks on her face are no longer visible, and her skin is as white and delicate as an egg that has been peeled off its shell.

I heard that she has returned to work now, Xia Yue is also really happy for her, I hope she will not encounter such a bad thing again.

After Wang Qing returned to the hospital, her colleagues were shocked, because after her accident, the hospital almost helped her to treat her for free until she was discharged. Some colleagues were the ones who took care of her at that time, so her face How bad was it? They knew it all.

The doctors and directors of the hospital concluded that it was impossible for her face to return to normal. Unexpectedly, it was less than a year. She came back to work, and her face was even more beautiful than before.

So they all curiously asked Wang Qing what method she used,? Or which hospital she went to for plastic surgery, even if it was plastic surgery, her face was so natural,? They were very tempted.

However, Wang Qing didn't get Xia Yue's consent, so naturally she wouldn't reveal the essence that can remove scars, and said that she was not undergoing plastic surgery.

Some people believed what she said, some didn't, but she ignored them. After going through such a dark time, these rumors are really nothing to her.

After thinking about it again and again, Wang Qing still told Xia Yue about the things in the hospital. After speaking, she looked at Xia Yue anxiously, waiting for her answer.

Xia Yue chuckled after hearing the words: "Actually, it's nothing, but the high-concentration essence like you used is gone, but there is a low-concentration essence. Only by using it consistently for more than half a year will it have a more obvious effect on the scars." .It is also good to use as a daily skin care product."

Then she told the neighbor sister the address of her shop, and said: "If they are interested, you can just ask them to buy online, and I have to thank you for helping me spread the word."

Wang Qing didn't expect her benefactor to be so eloquent, so she smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll tell them boldly, lest they keep accusing me of plastic surgery behind my back." "Damn, can your essence be purchased offline

? I also want to buy two bottles." She has become a fan of this essence, and she hasn't used other skin care products since the accident.

Xia Yue chuckled: "Of course. How many bottles do you want to buy?"

"Three bottles!"

"Okay, then I'll go upstairs and get them for you."

There are many bottles and jars prepared in her room, and interstellar skin care products The shelf life is very long, with a minimum of ten years, so she is not afraid that sister Wang Qing will buy so many at once that they will not be used up.

Xia Yue went downstairs with three bottles of skin care products. As expected, Wang Qing couldn't put it down and paid the money readily.

The four members of the Wang family didn't stay long, and thoughtfully returned home before the restaurant's evening rush hour.

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