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Chapter 73

At the beginning of August, Xia Yue's volunteer was admitted by Q University, and she enrolled in the computer major as she wished.

Although she knew that her voluntary determination would never fail, she was really relieved after seeing that she was actually admitted.

After being convinced, Xia's father and Xia's mother took action. They picked a good day and notified the neighbors one by one to come to the house for a banquet.

The neighbors all expressed that they would definitely come, and they brought their children to enjoy the happiness of the provincial champion.

Xia Yue sent a message to Deng Man and He Jingcheng, and at the same time asked Qi Xiyue to bring Li Mei and the staff of the studio when she came.

The teacher in charge of the class also notified them one by one.

Shiyu regrets not being able to attend her school entrance banquet. He has already entered the family's company as an intern. Starting from the bottom, the leaders don't know his identity. Only a very few high-level people know. It is impossible to meet high-level officials, so he is treated the same as other interns, working from nine to five, and occasionally working overtime.

Soon it was the day of the school entrance banquet. Xia Yue got up early to work on the banquet with her parents. Xia's father and mother didn't want her to help. Today she is the protagonist, how can she be troubled.

But Xia Yue insisted, let her parents busy up and down about her affairs, but she watched from the sidelines,? She couldn't do such a thing.

The banquet is very rich, with chicken, duck, fish, sheep, beef, pork, etc., with meat and vegetables, and a soup.

Xia Yue thought that her neighbors like to eat her beef balls, so she made this dish today.

Beef balls are the best ingredients. In this soup, she didn't put too many ingredients, but put some fresh fungi and a few Shanghai greens as decorations. The soup is delicious, and the beef balls are crispy. I haven't finished the dishes yet, but I finished the beef ball soup as a soup first.

Xia Yue didn't expect such a situation to happen. Fortunately, she prepared some more and filled every table with soup. Of course, there were not so many beef balls, but the soup was still very delicious.

In the middle of the banquet, Assag came.

Stairs were not friendly to his short legs, and he used both hands and feet when he went downstairs.

Xia Yue sat with Deng Man and the others, Wang Qing and Wang Hao also came, and the young man happened to sit at the same table.

Deng Man's position was facing the stairs, so she was the first to spot Assag.

Pointing to the back of Xia Yue, she said, "Yue Yue, why is there a child in your family?"

Xia Yue looked back, only to find Assag, and she replied: "This is a relative's child, who got up late Haha."

While talking, he walked towards Assag, picked him up, kissed his cheek affectionately and said, "Why is the baby here?"

Assag hugged her neck, and said in a milky voice: "Mom said, today is a good day for sister Yue Yue, let me come to congratulate you on behalf of the Webster family."

He lowered his voice and said, "I put the gift in my sister's room."

Xia Yue also replied in a low voice: "Then My sister will thank Assag first."

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