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Chapter 55

The aquatic products in the lake have almost no natural enemies.

After one net, the fish weighing more than ten kilograms still struggled with great strength. Fortunately, Uncle Sam was strong and stable.

With everyone's consent, Xia Yue started the interstellar live broadcast. Since she plans to develop aquaculture, she will start promoting it from now on.

This is her first live broadcast outdoors.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I came to play in Jupiter today and found that there are many lakes here. The scenery is not only beautiful, but the aquatic products in the lake are also good ingredients." As soon as she said this, many viewers expressed

doubts .

"Well, as far as I know, the creatures in lakes, rivers and seas are very fishy, ​​right?"

"That's right! Last time I accidentally touched the creatures in it,? I wanted to chop off my hands Fall,? Smelly, stinky? Can these things really be eaten? Don't lie to the anchor~" "

I think the anchor is floating, right? With the backing of the government, he dares to fool with anything."

"Yueyue also Haven't started doing it yet? What are you talking about!"

"No one is forcing you to eat it!"

"Yueyue host, don't bother with these provocative things,? You can do whatever you want, and I'll always support you!" ......


Yue I don't know anything about all these disturbances, and the assistant Kunna is not with her,? She is illiterate and can't understand anything.

Here, Uncle Sam caught one net after another, never failing again and again.

Seeing the bustle by the lake, Assag stopped looking at the lamb. He looked curiously at the struggling fish, shrimps and crabs in the bucket.

Most of the lake is full of crucian carp and silver carp, and the river prawns are so big that they are comparable to the modern pippi prawns. The crab is even bigger, with a few legs spread out, about 20 centimeters in length, swinging its big pliers vigorously.

There were also some shellfish from the net, and Xia Yue didn't want to let them go. Seeing that the harvest was almost done, she stopped Uncle Sam from getting off the net, "These are enough to eat, let's get rid of their toxins now." Toxin

separation The machine is very powerful, and now it has added an automatic processing device, which can not only remove the toxins in the animal body, but also help in the processing, shred and slice, or remove the internal organs and gills, etc., just choose the corresponding option.

A group of lively fish went in, and when they came out, they had been dissected clean, and no manual treatment was needed.

Xia Yue is very satisfied. She has a small space button, about four or five cubic meters, which has the same function as an incubator. When she bought it, she put a lot of condiments and ingredients in it. Just in time to come in handy.

Of course, the condiment Uncle Sam is not lacking, but it is not so rich.

The kitchen in Uncle Sam's house is newly built, and it has never been used. It is spacious and bright, which is a pity.

Uncle Sam said cheerfully: "My wife and children are all in the hometown in the country, and I will move here in a few days. I am a big bastard, and I really don't know how to cook those delicate dishes." Hearing this,

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