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Chapter 35

The voice was heard clearly,? But that doesn't mean it's very close,? Xia Yue's ears are sensitive, and she followed the sound to find a remote place.

She didn't appear rashly, but hid in the corner to see what happened.

I saw a few girls pushing and shoving a very beautiful girl. Among them, Xia Yue also saw two very familiar figures. Who else could it be if it wasn't Pei Qian and Fei Xiaorui?

And look at this posture,? These two are the ones taking the lead in bullying people today.

Xia Yue kept an eye out, turned on the video recording function of the phone, and gently stuck it on the wall, just in time to capture everyone in the picture.

She continued to look,? Pei Qian grabbed the girl's hair with one hand, and slapped her fiercely with the other. The vicious expression on her face made Xia Yue shudder. Fei Xiaorui also made a move, raised his foot and kicked the girl's lower abdomen violently.

Xia Yue didn't expect them to move so quickly, and she didn't even have time to step forward to stop them,? Then she heard a few bastards who were watching laugh loudly.

"Qianqian, don't you get your hands dirty by beating her? How about asking my brothers to teach you a lesson?" He also let out a few strange laughs with no clear meaning.

"That's right, I promise to relieve your anger."

"This little girl has delicate skin and tender flesh..."

Pei Qian pushed the girl to the ground vigorously, and clapped her hands, as if she had something dirty on her hands.

He glanced at a few people, and said casually: "It's not impossible to leave it to you, but you won't be careless and kill people like making a fuss, right?" The faces of

those young people were a little nervous , the person in the head laughed twice, and waved his hands: "How can we, we know what we know."

Pei Qian nodded casually, and Deng Man saw her movements, feeling desperate, and tears couldn't stop flowing down|flowing down, She was already pretty, but this pear blossom with rain was even more heart-wrenching. The bastards couldn't control the temptation and rushed towards her.

Xia Yue couldn't bear it anymore, after picking up the phone to call the police, before those people were about to lift up the girl's clothes, she yelled to stop: "Stop!"

Deng Man was already in despair, when she heard a sonorous and forceful voice , struggled violently as if waking up from a dream, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Help me, help me!"

However, when she saw that the person who came was a thin girl, the light in her eyes instantly went out again, and she groaned. Weeping, Chao Xiayue said heartbreakingly: "Go, don't come."

She knew that this group of people would not let her go, if she dragged another girl to hell for her own reasons, she would die for the rest of her life. Conscience.

Xia Yue was grateful that she did not forget to remind herself at such a critical moment, and was moved by her kindness in her heart, and then took a few steps forward.

Seeing that it was her, Pei Qian sneered: "Little monster, what's the matter, you also came to find some comfort?"

She was already upset, but when she remembered what Fei Xiaorui told her last time, she was even more furious. But she knew that she couldn't afford to offend Shi Yu, because she had seen the city's leaders treat him with respect, and someone like her who had been on the road early, naturally knew who was easy to bully and who could not be messed with.

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