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Chapter 7

One big and one small walked out of the room, and when they went downstairs, there were no customers in the restaurant, but there were a lot of sumptuous breakfasts on the table.

Hearing the footsteps, Grandma Xia raised her head and said hello: "Yueyue, come and have breakfast, and I'll deliver the rice dumplings later, yo, Assag is here." She took a few steps forward and hugged the big fat boy stand up.

In fact, everyone in the Xia family was not surprised by Assag's appearance. When they learned that the door had not been closed, they were already prepared in their hearts, what else? How can they compete with this irresistible factor.

"Grandma, the baby misses you so much." Asaag put his arms around Grandma Xia's neck, babbling out his small mouth, amused the old man, and said straight to his sweetheart.

Xia's mother was also overjoyed. She glanced at her daughter who was smiling quietly, and patted her on the back: "Yueyue, let's eat." Hearing this,

Xia Yue felt relieved from the uneasiness of what happened in the morning. She saw There was deep apology in the mother's eyes, and the tip of her nose suddenly became sour, almost crying.

She couldn't help hugging her mother, and said softly, "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry, she didn't get brave. I'm sorry to let down your painstaking efforts. I'm sorry, growing up so big, I don't seem to have anything to make you proud of.

There are thousands of words in Xia Yue's heart that she can't say, so she can only hug her tightly, hoping that her mother can understand her thoughts, and from now on, she will learn to grow up.

"Okay, I'm still acting like a baby at such an age." Mama Xia patted her daughter's head lightly. Why doesn't she feel distressed, but there are some things that need to be done no matter how painful they are.

"My sister is ashamed." Assag suddenly said loudly, and everyone laughed when he said the words.

Xia Yue wiped away her tears, stretched out her hand to tickle him: "Little monster."

Laughter filled the room.

After a pleasant breakfast, Xia Yue led the reluctant Assag out the door.

"Okay, the small mouth can hang a soy sauce bottle."

"What is soy sauce? Is it delicious?" Asaag was still immersed in the delicious breakfast, and his sister's house had too many delicious ones.

"I still want to eat it. My stomach will explode when I eat it." Asagh is small, but he eats a lot. A bowl of lean meat porridge, two steamed buns, and an egg. They clamored for it, but everyone didn't dare to give him more food. Glutinous rice is not easy to digest, and it will be bad if it accumulates.

"That's not it." Assag walked around with his short legs, looking around with bony eyes.

When he saw the potted plants at the door, he opened his mouth wide: "It's so beautiful, what is this?"

Xia Yue was not in a hurry, and stopped to satisfy his curiosity, "This is called longevity flower.

" The flowers are easy to feed and have a good meaning. The flowers bloom in clusters and are very bright. At that time, grandma thought it was beautiful, so she bought it and placed it in front of the store for decoration.

It was the first time Assag came into contact with a world that was completely different from Scripps Star. He just felt that his eyes were not enough. There are not only beautiful flowers here, but also tall trees. My sister said that It's called a lychee tree, and there are sweet fruits on it. Thinking of the fruit he ate last time, he sucked, his saliva was about to flow out.

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