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Chapter 29

When Xia Yue returned to modern times, it happened to be dinner time, and her family saw that she was in good spirits, so they finally felt relieved.

"Come,? Yueyue,? Have dinner." There are several dishes on the table,? Stir-fried small river prawns, braised pork, eggplant with minced meat, scrambled eggs with bitter gourd, and a black chicken soup with mushrooms,? Strong fragrance.

Eh? No, Xia Yue finally knew what changed after the second treatment? Her sense of smell became more sensitive.

Now she can clearly feel that the fragrance molecules are drilling into her nose bit by bit, and the sensitivity to the fragrance is instantly magnified dozens of times!

And the corresponding smell is naturally the same. For example, the trash can under the table has not had time to be emptied. After a few hours of high temperature, the contents inside are eaten away by rotting molecules, emitting bursts of smell .

Xia Yue had no choice but to hold her breath and move the trash can away before she felt a little better. She also faced the same problem a few days ago, her hearing became more sensitive, and countless voices were noisy in her ears, which made her feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, after a few days of exercise, she gradually learned to block out the noise .

There was no peculiar smell, and she was finally able to eat a meal in peace.

At the dinner table, Xia's mother said: "Yueyue, school will start in a few days,? How are you studying now?" She was afraid that her daughter would focus on cooking, shops, and gene repair, and neglect her studies . Although with their family's family background, they can afford to support their daughter even if she doesn't work in the future, but she doesn't want her daughter to put the cart before the horse when she should do things at what age. Xia Yue has indeed been slack

in her studies recently, and she said modestly: "Um, I will review my homework well next time."

When she arrived at the shop, Mike was watching over the receiving side. She was very relieved, as long as the final payment for the purchase was settled at the end of the month.

As for the store operation method discussed with the shop assistants, only Julia's plan is more urgent. After all, the exhibition date of the food exhibition has been set, but she can also let Julia take full responsibility for this matter through rewards.

As for cooking, she can practice outside of studying.

Thinking about it this way, she still has plenty of time to study.

After studying hard for several days, and school starts tomorrow, Xia Yue decided to give herself a day off to spend time with Assag.

In the past two months, she was either busy with the store or gene repair, and left the little guy in the cold. He also protested for this. Next, she will enter the intense study period of the third year of high school, and she will definitely be even busier. So take a day to spend time with him, lest he lose his temper.

After Xia Yue came out of the study, she walked to Asager's room. At this time, he was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly with his little butt pouted, his little hands clenched into fists on the left and right sides of his head, and he smacked his mouth from time to time.

She smiled and pinched his chubby cheeks without waking him up, and went to the kitchen next door to get busy.

Cut the meat into skewers, chop the ribs into small pieces, and then skewer them with the prepared sticks, repeating the action repeatedly. When Nancy came to the kitchen for breakfast, Xia Yue had already skewered a pot full of meat.

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