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Chapter 75

In a blink of an eye, Xia Yue has already started school for more than half a month.

I just came back from the military camp yesterday. The military training of Q University was conducted in a military camp in the suburbs. Since there are very few girls in the computer department, she lived with girls from other majors. After the scar healed, she became more confident ,? Get along well with them, also exchanged contact information with each other.

Xia Yue, who has been alone all the time, is very interested in the group lifestyle. Except for a little discomfort in the first two days, she performed very well in the group afterwards.

This made the girls who slept with her breathe a sigh of relief. You must know that a few days before the start of school, there was a news among the students that a very beautiful girl came to the computer department, but she was very cold-tempered. Their gifts were all declined, so her reputation as the flower of Gaoling spread.

They thought Xia Yue was a difficult person to get along with, but they didn't expect the goddess to be very easy-going, and she was also generous and decent in dealing with people.

Later they asked her why she didn't accept gifts from the seniors? It was undoubtedly a very happy thing for a girl to be so favored.

Xia Yue pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I have a boyfriend."

After the jealous jar of Shi Yu heard that a senior gave her a gift, he rushed to find her that night, and told her not to accept anything else. Gift for boys.

Xia Yue naturally agreed, and she did.

The news of her having a boyfriend got out, and those seniors were heartbroken. After all, there was a pretty girl in the Department of Computer Science, and the flowers were picked by others!

It is said that her boyfriend is also a freshman of Q University, so they want to find out her boyfriend,? Want to see how good he is in order to get the favor of the goddess.

It's just that Shi Yu was busy with company affairs and couldn't hang out around Xia Yue often. After a long time, some people said that the goddess has a boyfriend as an excuse to prevaricate others.

Just as the boys were rekindling their fighting spirit, Shi Yu finally appeared.

He walked into the school gate with Xia Yue, holding hands.

After getting along for a period of time, everyone knew that the goddess rented a house off-campus, and now that they walked in together, everyone understood what it meant.

Xia Yue finally breathed a sigh of relief when there were no strange people stopping her from saying something inexplicable on the way.

Shi Yu was funny, and joked: "Isn't it good that someone likes you?"

Xia Yue gave him a sideways glance, "Then if I talk to other boys, don't be angry." Shi Yu

immediately begged for mercy: "I was wrong. "

It's smooth sailing emotionally, and the same is true academically. Xia Yue often goes to StarCraft to learn advanced computer knowledge. After learning, combined with the development of modern computers, she typed out codes that fit this era.

In her sophomore year, she sold an important piece of code, which was about intelligent robots, and got a lot of money.

Xia Yue felt insignificant the more she came into contact with interstellar technology, but she never gave up learning.

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