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Chapter 61

After the college entrance examination, the results won't come out until the end of the month. After several days of rest, Xia Yue and Shi Yu got busy again.

It took Shi Yu nearly a year to get the branch company on the right track. His original plan was to go abroad to study management after the college entrance examination. When he came back to start his own business or take over the family company, Xia Yue's appearance made him change his mind. .

He is very glad that he has never given up on his pursuit of results. Judging from his past simulation results, the domestic top5 is still very stable.

The capital is undoubtedly a city with a large number of colleges and universities. Shiyu talked with Xia Yue, and she is also very yearning for the capital, but he always felt that she seemed to have some worries and didn't tell him.

However, the two have initially determined the general direction. If there are no accidents, he will return to the capital to study in university. Therefore, he has been busy handing over work during this period.

And Xia Yue was even busier. When she was fully preparing for the exam, interstellar farms sprung up like bamboo shoots. There was no concern about food, and Baiweilu was preparing to expand to other cities on Scripps. In addition, site selection work on other planets is also in progress.

In the near future, barley will bloom all over the stars.

The sauce factory has been put into use long ago, and Baiwei sauce began to enter thousands of households in the interstellar world.

Sauce is almost a versatile item. Once it was launched on the market, it was looted by everyone, and the order has been in line for half a year.

And the sauce produced for her Hyundai online store was also piled up in a warehouse. Xia Yue moved it back to Hyundai for several hours, her hands were sore.

The last time Xia Yue took the interstellar plants back to the modern experiment, the results have been produced. The seedlings brought over are well adapted to the environment on the earth, and the first generation of seeds produced is still better than the modern varieties. The second and third generations remain slightly The advantage of it will be reduced to an ordinary variety in the future.

So she decided to build an interstellar plant farm and an interstellar animal farm in modern times.

Of course, the animals will not be transported to modern times until they have been detoxified.

Xia Yue passed the gate of time and space's forbidden conjecture on technology. It has a screening mechanism. If the interstellar animals and plants carry viruses, it is impossible to enter the gate of time and space to come to the earth.

When these animals and plants grow up, they will become the ingredients of her sauce factory, and she won't have to work hard to carry the sauce from the stars.

Therefore, she needs to do two things right now. One is to find the address of the sauce factory and start planning for a modern Baiwei sauce factory. The second is to rent land, renting a large area of ​​land.

These must be set up before she goes to college, otherwise she will be at a loss when she goes to college.

As for skin care products, she has already negotiated with Feng Ling that she will invest in her skin care products brand with high-concentration essence, accounting for 30%, and she will not intervene in decision-making and operation.

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