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Chapter 54

Xia Yue has been traveling to and from Scripps for a few months, but it's always Assag's house-lo mei shop at two o'clock and one line, and I haven't had a good look at the scenery elsewhere, and because there are no plants on the main star, even the mountains are full of light Convex,? There is really no natural landscape to see.

A few days ago, Uncle Orion invited her to go to La Juxing to visit his farm. After thinking about it, Xia Yue agreed. The farm is currently the most important source of ingredients for Baiwei. , it is considered to be an investigation.

As for Assag, he is also on vacation now, arguing to play with her. Nancy and Blake are new lovers after a long absence,? Thinking about the two of them for a day, so he packed his son to her and let her take it away .

Xia Yue has learned physical skills from Ma Xiu for a while, and her skills are good, but Assag is currently the only heir of the Webster family, so it is not so easy for him to travel, and he must be sure that nothing will go wrong.

For this reason, Blake sent a subordinate to follow. This is none other than Matthew's own son Baker. The mech he owns is the top 100 interstellar Stormwind, and its combat effectiveness is quite powerful.

Since she was going in the morning and returning in the evening, she packed lightly, took the ticket, held Assag's little hand, and went to the shipyard in a private aircraft to wait for the plane.

The speed of the aircraft was very fast, and it had its own flight track. It was almost smooth all the way, and it arrived at the shipyard in less than ten minutes.

Scripps is located in the center of this universe, and the shipyard is the busiest, so the buildings are huge and towering, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small city.

It was also fortunate that Baker was there, otherwise she would not know where the entrance was or where she boarded the plane from. Xia Yue almost forgot the fact that she was illiterate in this world.

The three of them didn't wait long, and a beautiful voice came from the radio: "Passengers heading to La Jupiter, please pay attention, your flight A1551 is now boarding, please take it with you..." Xia Yue couldn't help but asked Baker:

" Should we go?"

Baker nodded, "Let's go."

He let the two walk in front, and he walked behind in a protective position.

The condition of the economy class in the starship is similar to that of a modern aircraft. Xia Yue bought a first-class seat. Now she has too many star coins to spend, so naturally she will not treat herself badly.

The first-class cabin is divided into individual suites, which are both private and comfortable.

Xia Yue sat down on the sofa, touched Assag's little head, and asked with concern: "Is the baby hungry?"

Assag shook his head obediently, "Not hungry, but I want to eat beef jerky." "

Okay, You can only eat a small slice." Xia Yue was almost responsive to Assag, and took out a box of spiced beef jerky from the space button. After tearing a small piece for Assag, she handed the box to Baker and said with a smile

, "Brother Baker, this is the beef jerky I made. Eat some."

The lady's cooking skills are highly praised, so she took it over silently, "Thank you, Miss Xia Yue."

Xia Yue waved her hand, "It's just a small snack, it's not worth it."

The starship was running very smoothly, and Xia Yue didn't even Knowing when it took off, chatting and laughing with Assag for a while, the broadcast announced that the flight had arrived at its destination.

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