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Chapter 39

Zhang Xiang's story is much more complicated than that of Deng Man's, but it is far from the level of losing her life, but she offended Pei Qian.

With the improvement of the economic level, the relevant configuration of the school is gradually improved. Each class is equipped with a water dispenser. It is this water dispenser that indirectly leads to the fall of a young girl.

When Zhang wanted to pick up the hot water during class, Pei Qian was fighting with other students, and the two collided, and the hot water scalded her feet, and the scalding hot water immediately made her feet turn red ,? It was summer at that time, and Pei Qian was wearing a pair of cool shoes. The blisters bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Having been a classmate for two years, Zhang Xiang knew a little about this classmate's temper. He was so nervous, he immediately apologized: "Pei Qian,? I'm sorry,? I'm really sorry,? I'll take you to the school infirmary." She put the bottle down Then I will help her.

Pei Qian learned the true biography of her father since elementary school. She has a very hot temper. She grinned her teeth in pain and at the same time slapped Zhang Xiang, "I won't let you go.

" left school.

Zhang Xiang bit his lip, trembling slightly, with tears in his eyes stubbornly refusing to fall.

The next day, she took out the money given by her parents and put it in Pei Qian's drawer. She sprinkled the hot water, and she was supposed to pay for the medical expenses. Looking at the empty place, guilt almost overwhelmed her.

Although many classmates comforted her, saying that it was not her fault, after all, she was just receiving water normally, but Zhang Xiang was pure and kind, and was still depressed for a long time.

The wound on Pei Qian's foot left a scar. At that time, brother Qiang had only been with her father for a while and needed to express himself urgently. After hearing about this incident, he clamored to stand up for her.

In the rebellious period of youth, she already hated extreme fantasies, and if she was not taught a lesson, it would be difficult to get rid of her depression.

At that time, with the help of several people, she dragged Zhang Xiang to a place where no one was around, and slapped her several times, again and again. Seeing her apologizing with tears in her eyes, Pei Qian only felt bursts of happiness in her heart.

After venting his anger, Brother Qiang rolled his eyes and made that suggestion. At that time, everyone was very curious about that aspect and booed and watched from the sidelines.

After three hours, Zhang Xiang's tears had already dried up, his clothes were torn, and there was no good place on his body.

Her life has ended at this moment.

The turbulent water took away a flowery girl, or hatred, or relief, all of which dissipated.

Zhang Xiang's body was found downstream, swollen and no longer in its most beautiful appearance. The traces on her body tell the world what kind of torture she experienced before she died.

In fact, Zhang Xiang didn't come to school for several days. Pei Qian was a little flustered. The fear reached its peak when Zhang's parents came to clean up her desk. Later, her students found out about her death. Zhang Xiang was very kind. A girl who loves to laugh and has a very good relationship with the classmates in the class.

After hearing the sad news, the students spontaneously mourned for her and wished her a happy next life. Pei Qian didn't know what to think about it.

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