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Chapter 22

When Gus heard her voice, he raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his brow, and sighed, "The party finally came, and if he doesn't show up again, he really can't stop it,? Your Majesty really, too,? Mess around with the ministers.

"Yueyue,? Hurry up." As soon as Gus said the words, the onlookers immediately understood that this was the master Gus was talking about.

What the hell is this little girl doing? Huge doubts lingered in everyone's minds. Originally, they were having a meeting in the meeting hall. Suddenly, a faint fragrance hit. At the beginning, everyone was still concentrating on government affairs. But the fragrance became stronger and stronger. It's getting more and more seductive, so,? The meeting is completely unstoppable.

His Majesty, who was seated at the main seat, was also very interested. With a wave of his hand, everyone managed to find Gus's house.

Gus mingled in the center of the crowd and secretly complained, but there was no reason to stop him, so he could only let a group of people occupy his kitchen. Although he also smelled it when Xia Yue brought the marinade bag, he did not expect that after such a After cooking, the aroma exploded dozens of times in an instant. It is obvious that the palace in his old house is quite far away, but the smell can still float there!

Hetty Darcy, the ruler of the Star Alliance, is a relatively gentle monarch. He is now a hundred years old and in his prime. He looked at Xia Yue with great interest and asked, "Little girl, what are you cooking?

" Afraid that Xia Yue might say something wrong, Si hurriedly introduced to her: "This is Your Majesty."

Xia Yue was taken aback when she heard that, she just cooked a pot of lo mei, why did she invite this one, but she still held back her nervousness Answer: "This is lo-mei, uh, it's a kind of food."

"Oh?" Hetty raised his eyebrows. The food he has come into contact with is nothing more than a kind of nutrient solution. He has never heard of lo-mei. Is this nutrient solution? Are you launching a new flavor?

Other people who didn't know were also interested.

Xia Yue had no choice but to continue explaining patiently: "It is a dish made by cooking the ingredients in marinade after processing. The ingredients are divided into two categories, one is vegetarian dishes, and the other is meat."

"Meat? Is it the kind of meat I'm thinking of?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They were all people who had lived for hundreds of years, and there were quite a few people who had drunk the meat-flavored nutrient solution. Although the taste had been processed, it was still hard to hide. It smells fishy, ​​and because of this, even though the people from the Academy of Sciences have bred toxin-free animals, no one dares to kill them for meat.

"Yes, it's the meat from various parts of the animal." Xia Yue gave an affirmative answer.

I heard that it was meat, and everyone's expectations dissipated in an instant. The meat is so fishy, ​​can it really be delicious?

Hetty looked normal, and said to Xia Yue: "Is this thing cooked? Can you give me a taste?" He is at the top, at the top, and he has always seen and thought more than others. If animals are edible , then the public will not be so dependent on the nutrient solution, which is undoubtedly very critical to breaking the monopoly of the nutrient solution group.

Xia Yue thought about it, and now the ingredients have been marinated for an hour, and although they are not so tasty, they can still taste a little bit.

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