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Chapter 37

"I,? Me,? How am I?"

Seeing him returning to the hippie smile mode, Xia Yue couldn't help but push him away from her, "Don't get so close to me!" Shi Yu

was amused,? After thinking about it, suddenly he lost his expression, "Yueyue,? I'm serious, don't put yourself in a dangerous situation." "I got it." No matter what,

Xia Yue was still happy in her heart, ?It feels good to be cared about.

Shi Yu didn't stay long, sat for a while and left.

A few days later, some special guests came to the restaurant, and it was Deng Man who came with her parents to thank her.

It was the middle-aged couple I met at the gate of the police station last time. They were honest,? Not good at talking,? But they could still chat with Xia's father and mother.

"Brother Xia,? I really have to thank your daughter,? If it weren't for her, my Manman..." Before saying a few words, Father Deng almost burst into tears. He is just such a daughter. Ruined,? How can he live.

Deng Ma's eyes were red beside her, and she was obviously very distressed.

Father Xia patted his hand, and comforted him in a gentle voice: "Okay, it's all over." He also has a daughter himself, so if he thinks about it, if his daughter is treated like this, he might risk his life to die. Let their blood taste.

Xia Yue was also entertaining Deng Man, running up and down to fetch a lot of fruits and snacks, fearing that she would not like it, she even cut a plate of braised pork, filling the table.

During this period, Deng Man kept staring at her, unable to stop her.

In fact, Xia Yue was quite curious about the reason of the matter, but she was afraid of poking someone's sadness, so she resisted not opening her mouth.

In the end, Deng Man took the initiative to reveal the cause and effect.

It is said that the ratio of male to female in Huaguo is out of balance, with more males than females, but in some respects, the needs of girls are even greater. For example, in the toilets, there are three or two kittens in the men's toilets, and the women's toilets are always full.

This is where the conflict between Deng Man and Pei Qian arises. The recess time is already short, and Deng Man rushes to the toilet immediately after class. However, there are so many people, she can only wait in line slowly. When she is about to arrive, Pei Qian Wanting to jump in line, Deng Man naturally quit, and Liang Zi ended up like this.

Deng Man is a typical nerd, she puts all her energy into her studies, so she doesn't know that she offended a notorious person who will take revenge.

The issue of queuing was already a matter of last semester. A few days ago, when she was taking a small path from the bookstore to go home, she was suddenly surrounded by that group of people. Xia Yue also witnessed what happened next.

Because of such a small incident, Deng Man's life was almost ruined. When she said these things, her voice could not stop shaking.

Xia Yue handed her a tissue, and said softly, "Don't be sad, the police will give you an explanation, and the evil cannot prevail."

Deng Man looked at her with tears in her eyes, and said in a crying voice: "Xia Yue, thank you , You are such a good person."

Xia Yue, who received the good person card for the first time, felt a little complicated.

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