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Chapter 74

It was the beginning of the school season. As soon as the four of Xia's family left the airport, they saw the welcome booth of Q University. After registration, they could get on the bus and drive all the way to the school.

But Xia Yue didn't go to register, because Shi Yu came to pick her up.

The two haven't seen each other for more than two months, so they don't feel strange.

Shi Yu politely greeted the elders: "Grandma,? Uncles and aunts, have you worked hard on the journey?"

Grandma Xia said with a smile: "It's not hard,? The plane is very comfortable. You can eat, drink, and sleep. , and the service is good."

"Well, that's really great. I'm afraid you're not used to flying,? When I first flew, I was nervous." "

Haha, then my old lady I'm much better than you, I'm not afraid at all."

Xia Yue looked at her grandma bragging,? On the plane,? Who was the person holding her hand tightly? But don't tell me if you see through, just let her be happy.

Several people walked out of the airport together. Shi Yu's car was already parked outside. His car this time was not as conspicuous as last time. It looked very stable and dignified.

Laughing and laughing all the way, because the peak of the morning bus flow has passed, soon arrived at the downstairs of the house that Shi Yu helped Xia Yue rent.

"This community is well-greened and the security is quite strict. It will be safer for Yueyue to live here alone in the future." My daughter is away from

home to study, and she doesn't live in school. Father Xia's heart is going to be broken. See you on the spot. Afterwards, he relaxed a little.

"Yes, when we came in just now, the security guard was very responsible and let us register." Shi

Yu explained with a smile: "It's close to the school, and many teachers live here, so it's relatively safe. You don't have to worry."

Grandma Xia looked at the young man lovingly, and said, "Xiao Yu has worked hard for helping our family, Yue Yue, find such a good place to live."

Shi Yu took a deep look at Xia Yue, and said seriously: "It's not hard, Yueyue is my deskmate, it should be. Let's go upstairs and have a look at the layout of the house." "Okay, let's go."


house On the sixth floor, you need to take the elevator. The ground and walls are clean. Xia Ma looked at it and nodded secretly. This place is really good.

Shi Yu led them to Room 602, and opened the door with a key. Inside, the windows were bright and clean, and the TV furniture was complete.

Two bedrooms, with independent kitchen and bathroom, the area is relatively spacious.

The lighting is also good. Standing by the window, you can see the lush trees outside.

Of course, the rent is also very impressive. It costs more than 10,000 yuan a month.

Ruo is Xia's father who is a little picky, so he couldn't help but nod.

The luggage that Xia Yue sent before has arrived, and after being signed for by Shi Yu, they were all moved to the living room. He couldn't move around casually, so the packages were still piled up here, which looked a bit messy.

"Let's eat something first, or put it back first?" Shi Yu asked.

Xia's mother replied: "Let's tidy up first, we ate something on the plane, and we are not hungry yet, Xiao Yu, if you still have something to do, go ahead and do it first, and Auntie will treat you to dinner later in the evening.

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