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Chapter 27

Xia family.

Xia Yue has been away from home for two days, but Xia's father and Xia's mother can't think about it. Although they have a preliminary understanding of Assag's family members, they have also established a little trust. They know that their daughter is there. Will be taken care of by them,? But after all, I haven't personally contacted,? I still can't help worrying.

Fortunately, a new lo-mei business has been added to the store, which has pushed the restaurant to a higher level. There are word-of-mouth publicity from old customers in the store. Since the lo-mei was launched, there have been an endless stream of customers. ? Xia's father and Xia's mother had no choice but to suppress the worries in their hearts and concentrate on dealing with the guests.

The marinade at home is boiled from the water source on the interstellar side. The taste is nothing to say. Originally, Xia Yue wanted to use the ingredients there. It is cheap and fresh, and the taste is even better,? But after thinking about it, it still counts Well, firstly, the animals over there are big and have big skeletons, so it is not convenient to sell them to customers. Second, although chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle and sheep look similar to this side, they are serious wild animals over there, even if there is detoxification The separation machine and the gate of time and space are two protections, and they will not carry any virus or the like. The Xia family decided not to take risks.

But with this marinade as a base, the marinade is made of ordinary ingredients, and it is much more delicious than the marinade in other shops. Not only the neighbors frequented it, but also customers from the new district drove all the way to buy it, which really exploded.

When Xia Yue came back, she was wearing the new skirt that Nancy bought her. Her clothes were soaked in sweat during the genetic repair, and they were so wrinkled that they couldn't be worn at all.

The new dress is a long silver dress that Interstellar people love very much, with geometric lines printed on it regularly, making it look a bit cold when worn. I don't know what material the skirt is made of, it's light and weightless, it's very close-fitting and comfortable, and it can also insulate heat, fire, water, and dust.

She has been accustomed to wearing long trousers and long sleeves for ten years. When she first puts on a skirt, her arms and ankles are exposed. She always feels that it is too revealing, but when she stands in front of the mirror and sees herself wearing a skirt, she is reluctant to take it off again. .

Everyone has a love of beauty, Xia Yue thought, if she wears it for her family to see, they will be very happy. As for wearing it outside, she is not used to the eyes of others.

Wearing a skirt, I went downstairs. It was two or three o'clock in the afternoon. There were no customers in the restaurant, but the customers at the window selling lo-mei at the door had never stopped. Xia's father kept helping the customers find money for the goods, while Xia's grandma and Xia's mother were sitting Peel the garlic inside.

Hearing the movement, the two raised their heads at the same time, and saw their own girl looking at them with a smile.

"Mom, grandma, I'm back."

Xia's mother dropped the garlic in her hand, got up and walked quickly to her daughter, and said pleasantly, "Yueyue." She pushed her daughter's hair behind her ears and looked at her carefully. Looking at this shiny little face, it is beautiful, so beautiful.

Grandma Xia kept nodding, "It's changed, it's really changed."

Xia Yue made them blush a little, with two pink clouds floating on her face, adding a touch of shyness and making her even more loving, "Look at what you said Yes, no matter how it changes, I'm still your granddaughter."

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