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Chapter 3

Scripps star.

The Webster family is the first family in the interstellar excluding the royal family, with deep roots and a pivotal position.

But it is a pity that there are not many offspring. For thousands of years, it has been passed down to a single generation. This is one of the reasons why the royal family has no fear. What's more, the Webster family is a loyal royalist and has always served the royal family. They are the most important right-hand man.

And early this morning, a major event happened to the Webster family. The third-generation young master Asag Webster mysteriously disappeared!

It was his mother, Nancy, who first discovered Assag was missing.

Every morning, Nancy wakes her son up in person. As the only baby bump in the family, Assag has been pampered and spoiled, and she is the only one who can wake him up without losing his temper.

She also cherishes this unique wake-up treatment, but when she went to her son's room today, Assag was not on the bed!

She thought that her son would wake up automatically when he grew up, and Nancy was lost for a while because of this, but after searching the house and still not seeing her son, her heart was extremely anxious.

Without delay, she immediately reported the matter to her father-in-law.

"What did you say!" Gus was startled and angry.

Nancy endured the panic, and said in a trembling voice: "When I went to Assag's room this morning, he was not in bed. I searched all over the house, but I still couldn't find him. Dad, please send someone to find his whereabouts." When Gus

heard this, various thoughts flashed in his mind. As the future heir of the Webster family, the importance of Assag is self-evident. The blow also means that the royal family has lost an arm, which is extremely detrimental to the balance of the stars.

But the most important thing at the moment is to find out his grandson, and not reveal the wind. Thinking of this, he quickly regained his composure.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, maybe the little guy Asag is playing and hid secretly. Don't tell Black about this. He is fighting with the star thief, so as not to distract him. By the way, you checked the sky eye Is it?"

Nancy's eyes lit up, she was so anxious just now that she forgot about Tianyan.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's expression, Gus understood it, and he said, "I'll call out the Sky Eye to take a look, and you come with me to the study."

Sky Eye is the most common and powerful surveillance system in Interstellar, and almost every household has it installed. Well, the Webster family is no exception. Even the Sky Eye they use is the most advanced version. It can not only monitor every corner of the home, but also track it through thermal induction. Under its monitoring, all living things have nowhere to hide. shape.

The two went to the study together, and Gus turned on the display screen, called up Assag's exclusive Sky Eye, and started playing.

Assag drank too much water last night, and was woken up early today by urinating. Surveillance showed that after going to the bathroom, he jumped out of the room.

It was still very early at this time, and everyone in the family was sleeping peacefully. He played in the toy room for a while, maybe because he was tired of playing with these toys, he bit his finger and walked to the study step by step.

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