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Chapter 65

Qi Xiyue said that it is not so easy to resign, especially her position is quite important, and she must report one month in advance.

However, it was precisely because of her resignation that her current job plummeted. Occasionally, she could secretly learn about the current situation of factories and farms with Xia Yue.

In fact, the construction in the early stage was relatively smooth. Xia Yue didn't need to keep an eye on the progress all the time. She planned to go to Interstellar to have a look. After all, she hadn't broadcast live for a long time, and she didn't know what happened there now.

On this day,? She planned to go there early in the morning, and spend a day in the interstellar world.

Pack the embroidery and ancient lotus seeds, and step into the gate of time and space.

It was still early when she arrived, and Assag was quiet at this time, presumably he was still asleep.

Xia Yue came to the kitchen familiarly. The ingredients of Asag's house are always the most complete. She nodded, expressing her satisfaction.

Her live broadcast was caught off guard, but many fans set her as special attention,? As soon as she started broadcasting, she could receive reminders pushed by the platform.

"Good morning everyone,? Long time no see."

Xia Yue saw the bullet screen area quickly swiping the screen, but she couldn't understand the text on the interstellar side. In order to cover up the fact of illiteracy, she had to talk to herself. "Today I'm going to make a breakfast for my family. Friends who want to learn can do it together." What

she wants to do is steamed buns, so she has to knead the dough first.

"This is medium-gluten flour. Now flour should be divided into three categories: low, medium, and high, right? The previous dumpling wrappers are also made of medium-gluten flour." "But unlike dumpling wrappers, bun wrappers will be

more Fluffy, so we need to add yeast powder."

Having said that, Xia Yue patted her head in frustration, yeast powder should not have been researched yet.

But there is another way to obtain yeast powder. She first apologized to the audience who learned it together, "I'm sorry, the yeast powder is not yet on sale in the Star Alliance. If the audience has already kneaded the dough, they can make dumplings instead."

Then he said: "After kneading the noodles with flour, take a small ball and put it aside. Next time you want to make steamed buns, soak the dough in warm water and dissolve it in the water. That's it."

This is the older way of getting yeast.

Xia Yue first dissolved the yeast in warm water, then poured it into the flour after it was completely dissolved, and stirred it into flocs with chopsticks. The next steps were similar to making dumpling wrappers, so she did not repeat them to the audience.

The same goes for the toppings.

She was brisk with her hands and feet, and it didn't take long to mix the cabbage and pork stuffing.

The fermentation time of the dough is relatively long, Xia Yue thought about it, and then made other meals.

"While waiting for the dough to ferment, let me teach you how to make a new dish—egg dumplings." "

Egg dumplings, as the name suggests, are dumplings made of eggs."

She took out an egg from the incubator, broke it, and poured it into In a bowl, add salt and stir well.

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