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Chapter 49

Dumplings are eaten during Chinese New Year and festivals in the north. This traditional habit has been expanding to the south in recent years. It is not only delicious, but also symbolizes reunion. The Chinese people endow it with many beautiful symbols, which can be seen in Chinese food. important position.

In foreign countries, it has even become a symbol of China.

It is a combination of staple food and dishes, very fast and convenient, and the audience fell in love with it as soon as they ate it. No one can resist the charm of dumplings.

"When you learn how to use it, you hate less,? I can only express my love for dumplings by saying that it is delicious." "I

learned it, and I will go buy flour tomorrow!" "

It's so good, but I can't stop." "

It's so convenient. , if there are dumplings sold to handicapped stars like me."


Yue gave the audience enough time to taste the dumplings, and then closed the live broadcast room after half an hour.

After tidying up the countertops, put the dumplings in the incubator, and later Assag can eat when she gets tired from reading. She opened her Starblog, and prepared to judge.

When she frequently traveled between the two worlds, Grandpa Gus opened an interstellar account for her, implanted an optical brain, and opened an account to facilitate the exchange of funds.

She has only posted one blog post in total, but the number of fans has reached more than one billion, and the comments have been forwarded and liked countless times. The string of numbers made her eyes dizzy.

In fact, the selection is not difficult. Fans all praise the dishes with better taste, so she plans to taste them one by one from high to low. Of course, it is impossible for her to taste every dish, otherwise her tongue can't bear it live.

The most praised dish is actually a very simple dish: steamed eggs.

The shooting technique is very superb, the pictures are very clear and attractive, the orange eggs are glowing, and the shape and color alone are very eye-catching.

Xia Yue clicked on the link attached to the picture and entered the scene of this fan cooking. Judging from the strength of his egg-beating posture, he is indeed a novice cook, but later his movements became more and more proficient. The egg liquid was beaten very evenly. Xu Shi was not very satisfied with the quality of the egg liquid. He passed it through a fine sieve several times to remove all impurities in the egg liquid.

He has more precise control over the state of raw and boiled eggs, because he poured a little water, and when the water entered the egg liquid, bubbles appeared, and he began to filter again.

Xia Yue felt that this person might be a bit obsessive-compulsive.

Then add salt, stir, and then filter.

Finally, he finished the preparatory work. He watched his live broadcast. When pouring the egg liquid into the steaming bowl, he carefully wiped the bottom of the bowl with oil to prevent the bottom from sticking.

The next step is to steam it in the pot. During this period, he has been nervously observing the state of the eggs in the pot, repeatedly confirming that they are cooked before carefully taking out the steamed eggs.

Xia Yue looked at the steamed egg in front of her, and gently broke the surface with a spoon. The egg trembled and looked very tender.

After tasting it, the egg is a little old, and there is still a little honeycomb inside, which affects the taste, but it is really good for those who cook for the first time.

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