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Chapter 4

Just where Assag disappeared, one, two, three large bags suddenly appeared, and the sound of landing awakened the two who were in deep thought. Nancy and Gus stared wide-eyed, speechless in shock Come.

At the same time, they wanted to check it out, but they were taken aback by the carton that appeared in an instant, and then, the little guy who made the two of them anxious to get angry just appeared out of thin air.

Nancy ignored her fear and took two quick steps to hold her son tightly in her arms, her heart finally settled down.

Gus breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it's okay, if his grandson doesn't show up again, he will tell the royal family about it and ask for help.

"Mom, let go of me, leg, chicken leg!" Assag was so anxious that his chicken leg was almost squeezed out by his mother, and he hadn't eaten a few bites yet.

Nancy didn't understand what chicken leg was. She thought her son's leg was injured, so she hurriedly lifted his clothes to check. It was white and firm, and there was no trace of wound. "Where is the leg injured?

" The strong fragrance came, and I looked again, okay, my son was gnawing on something without even looking at her.

At this time she was really angry, and raised her voice, "Assag!"

Nancy had a bad temper when she was young, that is, after she got married and had children, her temper became softer. She experienced it early this morning. With all the ups and downs, coupled with her son's irresponsible attitude, she felt that she was about to explode. If her father-in-law wasn't still there, she would have decided to beat up this little heartless ass!

Gus doesn't plan to interfere with his daughter-in-law's education, as long as he's back, he still needs to be taught a lesson, otherwise this kid won't remember to eat or fight, and he will definitely be turned upside down in the future.

He became very interested in several bags, red and white, with patterns and words printed on them, bulging, and the contents inside were about to overflow.

But this was something brought back by his grandson, and he didn't touch it without permission.

Assag obviously encountered the biggest problem in his life. His mother was angry with him, what should he do?

He frowned. How did Dad coax Mom before? It seems to be kissing, and then I will sleep with her, and my mother will not be angry after waking up.

Thinking of this, he quickly held his mother's face and kissed her several times, and said with a small mouth: "Mom, kiss you, I will sleep with you, don't be angry with the baby, okay?

" Tempted by the aroma of the chicken leg again, he quickly lifted the chicken leg and took a bite.

Nancy was going crazy, how could this have anything to do with sleeping? Also, what did this kid take? Her cheeks were greasy and disgusting.

She was determined to teach her son a lesson today. She held his shoulders, raised her little head, looked into his eyes and said seriously: "Don't change the subject? How are you going to sleep! You know you ran around and killed mom and grandpa today." Are you scared? We've been looking for you all morning, and grandpa hasn't eaten breakfast yet."

Asaq was confused by his mother's series of questions. He is still young and has a slow perception of problems. Isn't he going to coax his mother now? ? Why is she still angry? Kiss doesn't work? Do you want to sleep with her? Although he is not sleepy now, as long as his mother is not angry, he can do anything.

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